L.A. Without a Map
L.A. Without a Map
NR | 26 February 1999 (USA)
L.A. Without a Map Trailers

An aspiring Hollywood actress, on a visit to a charming North England town, has a brief fling with the town undertaker, who also writes obituaries for the local paper. Returning home, where she works as a waitress at a Japanese restaurant, she tells everyone about the handsome "writer" she met on her trip. Unfortunately, he decides to follow her back to Hollywood, setting up the expected light romantic comedy with asides as the newcomer gains experience about the goings on in Hollywood.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mushroom_pants Very poorly written & directed, I laughed a few times, fast forwarded it a few times and mainly kept watching it because Vincent Gallo kept popping up. There's more chemistry between him and David Tennant than there is between Tennant and Ms. Shaw. It would have been more interesting as a buddy movie with Tennant and Gallo getting into mischief than a poorly played out romantic comedy. Julie Delpy has the worst fake American accent I've heard in a long time. Tennant in his boxers isn't too bad.For fans wanting to check out Tennant in something other than Doctor Who, I'd recommend Blackpool or Learners. Einstein and Eddington was pretty good, but Tennant was sort of... cardboard in it & Casanova was extremely silly. For people wanting to check out a movie like this, but done much better I'd recommend True Romance (1993- Christian Slater & Patricia Arquette) or the cult classic Valley Girl (1983- Nicolas Cage in his first lead role and Deborah Foreman).
ptervin The film tends to fizzle out, like the bright lights of Hollywood for the main character, Bradford undertaker Richard (David Tennant), but the movie is still worth viewing. I enjoyed it, especially the drab lighting in Bradford turning to the neon colors of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and actress wannabe Barbara (Vinessa Shaw), and then blending to black and white. The two don't stand a chance of working out together, but they do. The character development is shallow and much in the film is predictable enough to draw from it greatness, but the contrasting views (European and America, rich and poor, dreams and reality) give the film just enough spice to make this a good film. Vincent Gallo's character, Moss, is funny, and the cameo appearance by Johnny Depp is good--his poster eyes talk--and should have been played out along with Barbara talking with her dead father. (7/10)
JPM_Floreffe Simple but appealing. Maybe not that original but fresh and entertaining. Actors look at ease in the script. The story is well balanced and always under control. Not ambitious but pleasant. Rated 7.
force23 There's a mystery at the heart of this abberation...why on earth did somebody of Johnny Depp's talent chose to cameo in this debacle? Unsympathetic characters, dodgy editing, bland caricatures and a plot line you'd have trouble filling a matchbook with. Our 'hero', Tennant is about as interesting to watch as a lobotomy on a gnat. To say he's uninspiring is a gross injustice to flat performers the world over. So here it is: Bradford undertaker decides to follow LA chick back to her homeland...and?...motivation?...development? That would be asking too much. Question: Vincent Gallo, Julie Delpy, what on earth were you thinking of? This insipid piece of self indulgent flatulence should have been strangled in the editing room, I say editing room loosely. It feels like the producers shipped the editing duties out to a first term film student...there are plenty of bad films out there, thankfully this one has been hidden in amongst the other dross on cable pay TV. The likes of Gallo, Delpy and Depp must cringe whenever this one is half remembered.