It! The Terror from Beyond Space
It! The Terror from Beyond Space
NR | 31 July 1958 (USA)
It! The Terror from Beyond Space Trailers

The first manned expedition to Mars is invaded by an unknown life form, which stows away on the rescue ship.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
HeadlinesExotic Boring
awesomemusicouttakes IT! The Terror From Beyond Space is an instant classic for those who like this genre of film (specifically sci-fi flicks from the 50's and B-movies.) I won't bother giving a synopsis, as you can find that anywhere on this website and elsewhere, but I will say that I was pleasantly surprised at how good this flick was. I got this on a DVD that also included Monster That Challenged The World, and while I bought it for Monster That Challenged The World, it was IT! that became my favorite of the two. IT! starts out a little slow like most movies of its time, but it's actually very well paced for these kinds of films. You see the Martian Monster quite a bit. The whole movie has this panic-y feel to it, as it's basically focused on a space crew stuck on a rocket ship with a VIOLENT alien from Mars. They basically have to keep trying to kill the monster until it chases them up to the very top and final level of the spaceship. There's a GREAT, CREEPY atmosphere created through wonderful lighting, and eerie, yet really good sounding music. The ending was really disappointing though, as they end up killing the beast by depriving him of oxygen...even though he's from Mars? There's also smoking, bazookas, grenades, and guns being fired on the ship. What could go wrong?!?! All in all, this movie is very entertaining, all logical fallacies aside, and grabs you instantly, if you're a fan of this kind of movie. John Carpenter has gone on record to say he loves it, and it was a HUGE inspiration for Ridley Scott's "Alien. "
garylampkin **No Spoilers**I'm old enough to remember the drive-in triple features so these creature features are a part of my nostalgic memory. It! Terror From Beyond Space is one I missed on the drive-in and TV rerun circuits, and based on all the reviewers who enjoyed it as a youngster, It! is one I would have liked to seen back in the day as a ten year old. As for seeing this for the first time as an adult some 40 years after it was made and again the other day, I'm sorry to say It! didn't do too much to impress me. The only reason I gave It! a 6 is because Ridley Scott(one of my fav directors) apparently liked It! I'll just mention a few distractions that make It! forgettable compared to say, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" or another rubber monster movie, "It! Came From Beneath the Sea", are the poor quality: acting, script, plot, sound, and special effects on par with Buck Rogers. Just consider the obtuse title, and that should be a clue to the rest of the plot, and overall quality. Even in Hollywood in the 50's when B movies were the thing, trying to place a credible story "beyond space" is just too much for my logical mind. It! Does raise one burning question in my mind, if the actor playing It! was too big for the rubber suit so much so a cut-out was made in the suit for his chin to poke out what happened at the level of more critical anatomy? Maybe that's why It! was never shown to us full frontal.
mbmnow I also saw this at the movie theater when first released. I have always felt it was one of the better 50' sci-fi movies. But I must say it is not for everyone, my wife watched it with me a few years ago on TV and could not understand my love of this movie. I thought then and still do now that for a limited budget, scenes mainly only on a spaceship that the movie was totally enjoyable. I must also say I remember the leading actress, a very beautiful woman who to me looked like Janet Leigh when she was in Psycho. All the male actors gave very professional performances for,again, a 50's sci-fi movie. If you do enjoy these types of movies, please give this one a look.
AaronCapenBanner Fondly remembered science fiction film about a rocket ship being sent to Mars to rescue the first ship to land there. The crew finds that there is only one survivor, a Col. Caruthers(played by Marshall Thompson) who insists he did not murder his crew-mates to stay alive, but instead a mysterious creature did. Though not believed, he is proved right when "It" stows away on the ship, and begins murdering the crew to stay alive. Can "It" be stopped before they reach Earth? Though director Edward L. Cahn does create some tension in the claustrophobic sets, this is just too low-budget for its ambition, with a bit too much silliness(throwing grenades inside the ship is not a good idea!) Good score though, but really needed more time and money to have made it a success, though it is amusing to think it may have influenced "Alien".
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