The Killings at Outpost Zeta
The Killings at Outpost Zeta
| 25 February 1980 (USA)
The Killings at Outpost Zeta Trailers

A team of men and women investigate the mysterious deaths of two previous expeditions to a strategically important but barren world.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
DanielKing If you can get past the bargain basement costumes and sets, there's the germ of an interesting story here. The premise - an elite team heads to a remote planet to investigate a series of deaths - is a good one; so much so in fact that you wonder why more sci-fi films haven't used it. Admittedly the plot does then develop along predictable lines but some thought at least was given to dreaming up an unusual monster and there's perhaps more science than you'd expect from such a cheapo production. The alien landscape is pretty good too and shows what can be achieved with a red filter, a smoke machine and a bit of imagination.On the downside, the aforementioned sets and costumes are pretty laughable: everything is red or white, or red and white. Some of the acting is pretty shocking too, although it must be said they don't have much to work with. The last half hour drags pretty badly, after a sprightly opening.So, in summary, certainly no classic but not a total waste of time either.
udar55 Another one of those "SOS because monsters are attacking us" low budget sci-fi flicks. Starfleet sends a rescue team to the barren planet Zeta after two exploratory teams go missing. This mission is of the utmost importance as they were hoping to begin colonization on this Earth-like rock within two months. Once the team of six (four men and two women) get there, they discover everyone dead due to some weird rock monsters (to be said in Fred Schneider voice). In the post-STAR WARS age, it is weird to see something this cheap on screen. Co-directors Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler certainly seemed ambitious, but only had enough money to create some cheap space suits (motorcycle helmets) and maybe three sets. The monsters are most likely paper mache and are never given a good glimpse. The surface world stuff (shot in some desert) is actually pretty well done. Emenegger and Sandler had an extremely prolific two years after this film, producing close to a dozen cheap-o sci-fi flicks (with titles like LABORATORY, LIFEPOD, TIME WARP) before disappearing in 1981.
barryalanmarshall Everything about this film is bad, as other posters have mentioned: the script, acting, special effects, set design, plot, etc.And yet, it has a certain charm. If you enjoy terrible movies you will definitely like this one. But for some the film will have even more significance as a still from the film provides the cover for electronic duo Boards of Canada's 1995 EP "Twoism".One Christmas a few years ago my girlfriend and I were watching the Horror Channel on UK satellite TV. Without knowing anything about the film we watched it, laughed at how bad it was and decided to watch it through.About 10 or 15 minutes into the film, though, I noticed that the insignia on the helmets of the space crew looked familiar. I grabbed my copy of the CD and compared: lo and behold, I'd found the source for the strange picture of a male and female astronaut embracing before they face some terrible danger.I set the video to record after that.In the end, the film was not too bad - the soundtrack features a familiar Boards of Canada-style drone. Unfortunately the film accidentally got taped over and so I have never been able to check if they'd actually sampled any of the music.
ottaky Have you ever watched a film that is so bad you end up thinking "If that film got written, funded, produced and made, just how bad would a script need to be to be rejected?" (see: Congo)Killings at Outpost Zeta will not answer your question, but it does lower the bar for bad film making to an altogether new level.This film seems to be the result of taking the worst aspects of Dr Who and Space:1999, combining them into some kind of soulless monster and then stretching the already thin premise out to near monomolecular extremes. Imagine a film student's first attempt at a movie, and then take away any spark of creativity.Just awful. Avoid at all costs.
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