Don't Say a Word
Don't Say a Word
R | 28 September 2001 (USA)
Don't Say a Word Trailers

When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he's horrified to discover that the abductors' demand is that he break through to a post traumatic stress disorder suffering young woman who knows a secret..

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Thanos Karagioras "Don't Say a Word" is a mystery thriller movie in which we watch a psychiatrist trying to find his daughter after she was kidnapped from a group of people who don't want money but only an information. This information is a secret that only a woman knows and she suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. His goal is to break through this woman and discover this secret in order to get his daughter back.I enjoyed this movie because I didn't have high expectations for it since I was already informed by its trailer and some reviews that I have already read. It has a well-written script with some good scenes and an interesting plot that I believe it's the most important advantage of this movie. I also liked the interpretations of Michael Douglas who played as Dr. Nathan R. Conrad and Brittany Murphy who played as Elisabeth Burrows but I believe that both didn't reach their original potential. The direction which was made by Gary Fleder was poor with a few good scenes and nothing more.Finally, I believe that "Don't Say a Word" is a good average movie with a decent and interesting plot that keeps you intense and interested in the whole duration of it. I recommend for everyone to see it because I am sure that you are going to have a great time watching it but don't have high expectations for it because you are going to be disappointed.
Dr_Sagan A sad, unfortunate fact about this movie is that the 2 young female stars Brittany Murphy and Skye McCole Bartusiak (who plays the daughter of Michael Douglas) both died in a young age.Anyway, this is a conventional thriller, nothing extraordinary. Although the critics hated it, it manage to become a commercial success doubling its budget in box office.The plot is flimsy and fragile: The daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, and her kidnappers want from his to "extract" a secret from a young woman who is imprisoned in a mental institution, that could lead them to a valuable object they tried to stole some years ago.It starts slow but soon some action picks-up but it becomes exaggerated and coincidental maybe even absurd.Michael Douglas does what he cans to save the movie but doesn't seem enough.Overall: If you can catch it on TV watch it, but never think of paying a single dollar/euro/whatever for it.
raisleygordon 'Don't Say a Word' covers familiar territory, to say the least. The first few minutes shows us what Dr. Nathan Conrad is in for: A jewel he must find to get his kidnapped daughter back. For the most part, the movie does work, and Sean Bean makes an effective villain. What didn't work for me, however, were the scenes where this poor doctor has to visit a mental patient (played by Murphy). I didn't buy her as this character. Or maybe it was they way she was acting, I don't know. She should have been either less shy, or more crazy. Take her scenes away, and this movie could have better than it is. I do give the movie credit for trying to be original, but the half of the movie featuring Murphy is a misfire.**1/2 out of ****
allisonever As a movie, Don't Say A Word is full of things that have already been done before in the movies. It can be cliché and a bit overly-sappy with it's main family characters, but somewhere deep within lies a spark of real potential. Basically, its plot centers around a man name Dr. Conrad trying to rescue his daughter. Same old story right? That's when Brittany Murphy enters. She's what the whole film should have been centered on. She is SUPERB in her role as the sympathetic and slightly nutty Elisabeth. Similar to the late Heath Ledger, Murphy really got into her role and gave it her all, making me feel truly saddened that such a good performance got overlooked by the critics when the film came out. Rest in peace, Brittany. We lost you too soon.As a whole, the film is okay. It runs at a rather slow pace at the beginning, but manages to be rather effective whenever Murphy is on screen. Overall, I would have given it a 6 out of 10 but Murphy's performance pushes it up by a point. 7 out of 10.