Don't Talk to Strangers
Don't Talk to Strangers
| 11 August 1994 (USA)
Don't Talk to Strangers Trailers

After Jane's first marriage collapses, she and her new husband Patrick Brody attempt to build a new life and move to a new state. However, her ex-husband follows them with a view to revenge.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
rsoonsa A conventional genre for filmmakers may be titled Theatre of Paranoia, within which are copious examples, this piece being one, wherein a protagonist is stalked or harried or wrongly envisioned or trapped or prejudiced against, i.e., in some way made to suffer by, generally, one person distracted by jealousy or some other mania. The victim here is Jane Bonner, splendidly played by Shanna Reed, who is tormented by her former husband Robert (Terry O'Quinn), a police detective with an extraordinary amount of free time who is maddened due to the disbanding of a joint custody agreement for the ex-couple's eight-year-old son, during divorce proceedings, Bonner's harassment becoming so acute that Jane and her new spouse Patrick (Pierce Brosnan) decide to leave their Saint Louis home and drive to California to start life anew, only to have Bonner trail them. Director Robert Lewis paces the film solidly during its initial scenes only to have his efforts hamstrung by excessive cutting along with a disjointed screenplay that is heavily reliant upon fancy, in addition to below standard post-production work (e.g., a car following Jane and Patrick is seen being driven from both sides of the front seat by its sole occupant), and a garish lack of knowledge concerning law enforcement procedures is only too evident.Throughout this foolish affair that the film becomes, Reed shines, easily gathering in acting honours with a subtly layered and credible performance, and O'Quinn also acts well, especially in light of his written dialogue. Richard Leiterman's cinematography is expert as always and fitting underscoring is contributed by Joseph Conlan, but the scenario's collapse into nearly total incongruity and odd character metamorphosis becomes too great of a handicap.
MaxHush The first thing I'll say about the film is this. Pierce. Yes, the mighty mighty Pierce. Don't be fooled though, just because of Pierce factor it doesn't mean that this movie is good, far from it infact. From Pierce demonstrating his culinary skills at making vegeburgers, to Pierce being violently assulted while sitting on a stool eating said vegeburgers this movie is poor, and believe me, it could have been better but for the directing. Pierces acting is nothing short of grade A, but the entire film seems pushed along quickly, and that, combined with the bogstandard plot makes it seem like the director wanted the maximum amount of Pierce in the movie, hoping that that alone would hold up the movie, sadly it didn'tVerdict - Bogstandard plot(0) + rushed scenes(0) + Peirce(4) > 4/10
inhisblazer It's interesting to see what shape Pierce Brosnan's career was in before Bond arrived on the scene. In this "tense" thriller, Pierce Brosnan plays the gentle Patrick, who works leading ghetto kids on "confidence courses". He romances a woman, who has a bog-standard mop-top mid-90s kid called Eric. The woman's drunken ex-husband soon arrives on the scene and begins to mess with Pierce.At one stage Pierce is innocently making "vegeburgers". The husband enters. Pierce resumes making vegeburgers. The husband then assaults Pierce. Little chunks of half-eaten vegeburger call fall from Pierce's mouth. The fight abruptly ends without showing the outcome. This is as good as the film gets.
zeo1 I enjoyed watching this film because it had a good twist to it, just when you tought you had every thing worked out something new came along.I like Keegan Mactinosh, as I have seen quite a few films and shows with him in.Most of the other actors are well known and provide good roles in the film too.