City of Industry
City of Industry
R | 14 March 1997 (USA)
City of Industry Trailers

A retired thief swears revenge on the lunatic who murdered his brother and partner, while going on the run with the loot they stole.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
betty dalton This is one of those movies that wants to look tough. And ends up looking like a wannabe. The actors are good but again look like wannabe tough guys. And yes, they fit the model of toughness with their sunglasses, weapons, slapping women and shooting gangsters, but it nags a little. Everything has been done better in other movies that DO look cool and tough. I am fond of heist movies with tough guys. But some humor and a more natural casual style of directing will give a heist movie much more cool and real looking toughness. Pulp Fiction is funny, but you dont dare mess with Harvey Keitel, however ridiculous he may be dressed in that classic. In "City of Industry" everyone is trying so hard to look cool but it is not very believable at times.All in all this is still a reasonably good heist movie with lots of killings and revenge. Lots of action scenes. It didnt bore me. I have watched it two times over the years. Harvey Keitel played great. But sometimes he too became almost a parody of himself. Let's call it a good popcornmovie. 7 out of 10 mainly thanks to Harvey Keitel who saved this film. Could have been much better though if the direction had been more creative. It could have been.. but it just wasnt.
drjgardner There are so many inaccurate references to "film noir" from reviewers that I'm prompted to write this review simply to correct them. Though this film has some "film noir" elements, the essential elements are completely missing. The best film noir features an "innocent" person who gets dragged into crime. Usually it's as a result of a knowingly bad decision, but it comes from the seduction of a femme fatale.Both these elements are missing. The main character (played marvelously by Harvey Keitel) is a lifelong criminal. There's nothing "innocent" about him. Nor is there any femme fatale who double or triple crosses him or who seduces him into the misadventure.The film not only lacks the essential hero (or anti-hero) and femme fatale, it lacks the visual style of most film noir.Finally, the film lacks the requisite ending to ever be classified as film noir.Of course there are some film noir elements. It takes place in an urban center (LA) and dwells in the less upscale parts of town. A lot of the action takes place at night. At the core of the film is a double cross (though it isn't the femme fatale and there are no triple crosses) and we get introduced to a motley crew of seedy low lifes. There's a good bit of violence, but truth be told, most classic film noir are not nearly as violent as this film.It's probably best to view this as a "revenge" film, or more accurately a crime revenge drama.
msbaget This film was too predictable. Kietel plays this type of character all the time. Too many scenes were those of the "c'mon, there is no way that could happen", a few were not even close to being "hardly-believable". People always says "its a movie, its not real" but it has to be believable unless its sci-fi. I expected a better script choice from Kietel at this period in his career. For the budget of this film and the quality of the special effects, this should have been a better movie. I don't expect every movie to be Oscar worthy but when there is an A-List actor and big budget, just spend a little time and money on the writers. Based on this film, the writers should be embarrassed about going on strike.
marka684 Keitel IS the film. That is about the only real positive I can say. It is a warmed-over "Reservoir Dogs" (insert double-cross flick name here). Dorff does his typical bad boy. Oh, and Lucy Liu topless, and pun intended by "top-less". The cinematography was lit well for being naturally brooding. A few different camera angles were thrown in just so the viewer realizes this was a film and not some cheesy TV crime show. But not much better...except for Harvey K. and a nice turn by Elliot Gould. Famke does a nice job too, but seems to be trying too hard to show her "legit" acting after her Bond girl coming out party. I tried to like it, but this film seems too familiar and not "oh wow" enough to be highly recommended.
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