R | 26 May 1993 (USA)
Doppelganger Trailers

After being implicated in a murder, a young woman flees New York City and moves to Los Angeles, where she rents a room from a writer. They begin an affair, but it seems she's been followed by a homicidal duplicate of herself.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Micitype Pretty Good
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
mstomaso Doppelganger has its moments, but they are few and far between.Essentially, this is a grade B blend of pop-psych thriller, ghost story and horror. Drew Barrymore plays a young woman who is haunted by the demons of her past (most of her family has been murdered and she was, in at least one case, the prime suspect), or does she just have a really bad case of multiple personality disorder? George Newbern is her new room mate, and most of the action centers on him.Newbern's character is pretty sympathetic, and both he and Barrymore do decent work (though not exactly good). The mediocre to (at times) totally horrendous script and the unimpressive directing seem to have combined to sink the rest of the performances into oblivion. Leslie Hope's character is memorable, but so irritating that you will want to forget her.The plot eventually disintegrates into a bifurcated (one story arc is psychological realism, the other is supernatural horror) outlandish climax which is so badly conceived, acted and photographed that it effectively counteracts most of what value the film had achieved previously.Overall, the film has the feel of what might expect to be the result of M. Knight Shamalyan's first undergraduate film class. The acting and script for the two leads are just good enough to make you care a little about them - at least until the film derails utterly and completely.My recommendation - send your doppelganger, but avoid a first-person encounter.
slayrrr666 "Doppelganger: The Evil Within" is a watchable, if slightly disappointing affair.**SPOILERS**Moving to Los Angeles, Holly Gooding, (Drew Barrymore) takes a roommate position with Patrick Highsmith, (George Newbern) an aspiring writer. When he makes mention of seeing her around town without recognizing him, she immediately recognizes the danger and secretly calls Doctor Heller, (Dennis Christopher) her old psychiatrist about the problem. She starts bringing him along as she investigates her past and reveals that she has a doppelganger, a ghostly twin that is haunting her and has confused each other. Deciding to stay roommates, she starts to become haunted by the visions of the doppelganger, and she slowly starts to loose her grip on reality. When she is soon accused in a vicious murder spree, her friends start to work together to get her off the hook before the doppelganger is exposed to the wrong authorities.The Good News: This is a minor disappointment, but it does have some good points in it. One of the main points is that it's weirdness is compelling instead of annoying. The film is filled with all sorts of images, such as the continuous times the sunglasses-clad Drew doppelganger is seen standing in the window of the deserted mansion or outside a café and the eerie scene where the hero follows her into a culvert that add a genuine weirdness. Then there is the ever-so head-spinning moment where he spends the night with her only to be told in the morning that they didn't do anything and they can do all the dirty things you want together and warns him to don't confuse the two. This is quite surreal and really works to see the film. It's also filled with some great jolt surprises. The moment where the FBI agent is revealed to be not who he is and the ever-so mind-boggling moment where just about every character in the film is revealed to be a mannequin in the mansion are just some of them. There's practically no shortage of them in the film, and those are the best ones. There are all sorts of surreal dream sequences, where she's taking showers in blood or the hero entering the apartment to find it trashed, her crucified to the wall and the doppelganger coming after him with a knife that really sticks in the mind for good reason. The last ten minutes, inside the church where all the revelations occur, is quite fun and over-the-top, resulting in some spectacular special effects and a lot of gore, really sending this out on a high note. Even though it has nothing to do with the plot, there are several times we see the heroine's breasts, first the scene where the they takes in a shower scene, where the nozzle starts spraying blood, spraying all over her naked flesh while her breasts bounce up and down in slow motion, and then in a sex scene with the hero. It's nice and sleazy, which does help out. These help to make the film watchable.The Bad News: This here is a disappointment, and there are several reasons for this. There's a large amount of just deathly dull scenes in here that grind the pace of the film down substantially in the second half. The first half is where most of it's good parts come from there, and it just drags out until the ending, and is filled with scenes that go on and on without getting to any conclusion. This makes the ending half of the film incredibly slow and dull. By not even having a real lot of action scenes in there in that section, it's rendered even more of a distressing series of events. When it's not being dull, it's being confusing. Most of this is a result of the heroine. She has some sort of spells at times, which makes it seem like she is being possessed. In those scenes, shots of trees are shown for some reason. I have no clue why those shots are in the movie. The trees seem to be spinning around in those shots, and they did make me a little dizzy. Beyond that, there is something that isn't really resolved in the movie. Just what is going on with Holly? Did she have a doppelganger? A split personality? Was she being possessed? Was she really a killer pretending to have some kind of mental problem to get away with her crimes? All of these are brought up and certainly plausible, and while some things are explained near the end of the movie, the fact that there is a lot still unsure of and that is quite hard to get away with. These are big problems in the film and really lower the film, despite their not being a lot of problems with it.The Final Verdict: It's a real disappointment, especially as it's got potential and a couple good moments, but the majority of the time, this is a really dull film. If it sounds like something which has entertainment value, then seek it out, but it won't change you're world if it's skipped.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Brief Nudity
Britney-Keira Even in a bad film, there is usually some redeeming feature, something that you can say yes it was terrible, but there was that performance, or that part of the script, or that special effect, this was just simply terrible all over. The acting was laughable, the script terrible, complete with many inexplicable Breakfast at Tiffany's references, and even the special effects were shoddy at best. This was a very bad film and one that even Drew Barrymore wishes was expunged from history. Watch it if you want to: a) Suffer harsh self inflicted pain. b) See just how bad a film can be. This is one film where I can use the cliché "there's ninety minutes of my life I will never get back" with some justification!
aesgaard41 SPOILERS WITH-HELD For what starts out as a good horror/murder movie, it sures gets stupid quick and fizzles out. Primarily made for the titillating Drew Barrymore to ooze sex, it doesn't make very much sense and what sense it has is based on lousy, fuzzy logic. What is does have is a good intense and suspenseful plot set in a claustrophobic sequence of events and then marred by one villain we are expected to believe was pulling all the strings and everywhere at once. Drew is wildly kept uninhibited, much like Alyssa Milano in "Embrace of the Vampire," and George Newbern is a rather odd witness to the events around him. The rug is constantly pulled under him as he believes Drew's character Holly Gooding is a murderer, then being set up, and then being haunted. Dennis Christopher is miscast in a unnecessary role as her psychiatrist. There's not much horror, but lots of suspense to this movie which ends with an anti-climactic crash of confusion. Personally, I could have written it better.