Mad Love
Mad Love
PG-13 | 26 May 1995 (USA)
Mad Love Trailers

Matt falls for Casey, the new girl in school. She's fun-loving and eccentric, but there's a darkness to her whimsy that Matt can't begin to comprehend. When Casey attempts to commit suicide, her parents place her in a mental institution. Matt springs her out, and together the young lovers head on a road trip. They believe their love can "cure" Casey's problems. Matt starts to wonder, though, if are they inspired or misguided.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
indiefilmslover Although in the movie she is diagnosed with clinical depression that is not what the character has. Drew Barrymore's character displays the perfect diagnostic criteria for a Borderline. She is reactive to certain situations and rapidly changes moods with overwhelming emotions, she is exactly like me.*Contains Spoilers* "A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation." In the beginning Drew Barrymore is exciting, interesting, wild, and intense. She falls completely in love with Chis O'Donnell's character and obsessed with him. When he refuses to leave class after she pulls the alarm she doesn't talk to him for days. Their relationship becomes very intense and leads to concern from their parents. Chris really shines in this movie because he plays the perfect responsible and care-giving individual that would be attracted to and give care to Drew. He is innocent and naive which is the type of person a borderline would desire."Impulsiveness in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., promiscuous sex, eating disorders, binge eating, substance abuse, reckless driving)." This is the most obvious in the movie. She pulls the fire alarm, she takes a trip with Chris to a waterfall during school hours. She jumps into the lake after she and her parents have a fight. She runs away from home with O'Donnell in fear that their parents will send her away and have her leave Chris. She drives recklessly while turning the last minute only to wreck the car. She attacks the driver that picks her up and steals his car. Drives off after she catches Chris talking to her mother in fear that he is trying to abandon her. Smokes cigarettes. I believe because it was a PG rated movie they did not have her do drugs or have sex with many partners."Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats or self-injuring behavior such as cutting, interfering with the healing of scars (excoriation) or picking at oneself." She pulls a gun to both of their heads, and attempts suicide. She talks about her parents and her father which makes her upset and she goes into the bathroom and starts crying and having an anxiety attack. Threatens to kill herself and holds a gun to her head. I believe they didn't make her a cutter because of the PG rating."Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)." She pastes pictures of dozens of faces from magazines in an insane sort of of way. The episode in the bathroom also."Chronic feelings of emptiness" Her behavior is an example of her feelings of emptiness. When she calls late at night because she just needed to hear from him. It's hard to explain this but as a borderline myself i did the same thing. It's like you fear the person doesn't love you anymore and you need reassurance constantly."Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)." She burns the guy in the car with her cigarette."Transient, stress-related paranoid idealization, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms." When Chris is selling his telescope for cash she spaces out and experiences a dissociative moment as if she is seeing the world out of herself. This is a good example because of the camera work and score. She believes he doesn't want her anymore just because he calls her parents."Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self." This as with feelings of emptiness, is seen throughout the movie by her behavior in general. I think an example of this is when she posts all of the pictures of women from magazines so they can 'look at her' makes her feel a sense of identity.Over all this movie perfectly shows the personality of a Borderline Personality Disorder sufferer. Medications can't really help other than treating symptoms like depression or anxiety. The affect on the family and boyfriend also show how real life families struggle with a loved one suffers from it. Chris is often walking on eggshells to avoid offending or hurting her.What makes this movie so good is the perfect example of a mental illness. This is a rare thing to seen in movies, usually they mix disorder u p and get them all wrong. I recommend this movie to anyone that suffers from or know someone that suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder. I suffer from it myself and set my first boyfriend through the ringer like she did. Once I found out what it was, well now I know what i have and am getting the right treatment for it.
themovieman3000 Mad Love stars Chris O Donnell, who sets his sights on high school love, Drew Barrymore.Unfortunately, the girl he dates does not come across as the average teenager. She suffers from severe depression and this becomes progressive. The outbursts and mental problems threaten to break up the otherwise close relationship but to his credit, O Donnell sticks by her and his love for her becomes clear.The pair are real opposites but carry a unique love for each other. Leland is the caring, hard-working, clever, shy and conscientious type whilst Roberts is the outgoing, partying and slacking girl, always out for a bit of fun.Its hard for the guy to begin with but he fits the bill perfectly, low-key and probably slightly shy in reality, really does translate well to the big screen. His tentative first steps to love are shown and arguably, there is not really a better talent out there to slip on the shoes of Leland.The relationship becomes frustrating but as with any other romantic drama, there are always strains on the relationship. One tends to feel sorry for O Donnell but at the same time, holds much respect for the guy. This could be a very real situation, minus some of the slightly overblown depressive outbursts from Barrymore. There is also the added say from both parents whilst Donnell tries to keep his feet on the ground with his SAT's and everything but ends up giving way to the girl he loves so much. At the end of the day, there is really no substitute.So, to conclude, O Donnell excels in a masterful albeit low-key role with a half-decent Barrymore to throw in some light-hearted and serious, sad scenes.Not a bad movie at all. 7/10.
Mr_Sensitive Even though my comment might not be like everyone else, this comment of mine is purely justify. I just not, not like this movie, I Hate it. It is my most pointless movie I have ever seen. A high school couple run away from home after her parents put her into the mental hospital for clinical depression and trying to commit suicide.Sorry to say but the movie suck big time. It have no plod (at all), it took over one third (or more) before they start run away and even on the road trip, it is damn boring. I see no chemistry between the two characters and the acting is dragging on and on. And the worst is definitely the ending, it seem the writer is tired of writing so that it, he put it to an end. Reason To Watch: 1. Drew look great.Reason Not To: 1. The movie has nothing (I really meant it). 2. Every thing about the movie is slow. 3. It simply suck. 4. One of the worst pointless movie, I have ever see.------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ --Rating: 2/10 (Grade: F)
Drew-Barrymore-Obsessed Spoilers Alert****************** I really thought this movie wasn't good enough for me. It had bad things in it some aren't for dicussing and I really think this movie should have been R rated to the fact that the girl is clinically deppressed and their is some what a littlee of rage and violence in this movie. Some people think it was great. I am a big fan of her movvies and this was the only one I have hated out of her millenium of movies. I mean come on here people she is deppressed and they run away to Mexico to help her. No adalts were their and how is that helping her. It was a very pitiful movie. I thought I would never watch it again. I gave it one more shot by watching it one more time and it didn't work. This movie is an outrage to me and some of the society. 1/10