Party Girl
Party Girl
R | 09 June 1995 (USA)
Party Girl Trailers

Although Mary has little income, she still finds ways to spend her nights at clubs. After being arrested for throwing an illegal rave, she asks her aunt Judy for bail money. Judy then finds Mary a job at her library so that Mary can repay her. Initially, Mary finds the job as a clerk boring and stifling, and prefers to get to know a street food vendor whom she likes. However, Mary must refocus her life once she loses her job and apartment.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ekeby I just watched the new Lost in Space series on Netflix and was reminded how great Parker Posey can be. I decided to look for Party Girl and found it lurking on YouTube. Hadn't seen it in many years, but it holds up. I have to say, when I first saw it many, many years ago, I thought there were parts of it that were weak. But none of that bothered me this time, because compared to a lot of stuff made today, this film is jam-packed with action, it's got interesting visuals, and original characters. There aren't many actors who can toss off a line like "I'd like a powerful mind-altering substance please. Preferably one that will give my unborn children gills." But Posey does this was ease. In fact her performance looks effortless and I'm very sure it wasn't. A bonus is the soundtrack. I bought it and blasted it in the car for years. I can understand how some people wouldn't like this movie. Particularly if they've never lived in a big city or been into the club scene. It might all seem alien and artificial. Trust me, it's not. It's pretty true to life. Give this movie a chance. Especially if you're young and feeling like an outsider. Or if you're gay. The last line in the movie sums it all up. 'Life is a garden, and we are all flowers."
tavm After 20 years of only hearing about this quirky comedy, I finally watched this on a DVD I borrowed from the, yes, library. Parker Posey is Mary-the title character who ends up working at the place where books are borrowed because a friend (her godmother who she calls by her first name, Judy) of her late mom is one of the employees there. But Mary, well, she's not always the most responsible of people. Still, she's quite charming especially when dancing or just wearing many of her stylish outfits either in the streets or at the dance clubs she frequents. Ms. Posey is funny and stunning throughout the movie. And her charms are multiplied every time she speaks. And I liked many of the mostly unknown supporting cast that's presented here. So on that note, I highly recommend Party Girl.
Figtree I loved this movie, and I am one of the older people who is not supposed to enjoy it, or so it seems. No, this movie is not deep -- who cares? These kinds of movies never are. But strangely, there is a message in it. It's that we each have the potential to be whatever we want to be.Parker Posey is great in this movie. I've always thought that she bears some resemblance facially to Katharine Hepburn. So, it's great to see that both Hepburn and Posey made movies about librarians (Hepburn's is The Desk Set). All librarians, especially those with a sense of humor, should see Party Girl.I gave this movie an 8. It is not by any means a great film by cinematic standards, although there are some nice shots in it. But it is incredibly charming and entertaining.
clunker Party Girl's basically a movie about how your friend's superficial, mean-spirited, disenchanted mom got to be that way. It's a fun movie with good music that will have you saying "he-he-hellooo" for days. But it's also a sadly confused tale full of stupid decisions and wrong assumptions; bad ideas masquerading as big life lessons.Mary's a natural people-person and a reckless party girl. Her nightclub friends straddle that goofy fun and out-of-control divide as if written by someone in the know. She's tired of never having the rent though, and wants to grow up. She looks to her godmother for guidance: a terminally unhappy and out-of-shape woman who lives in stability as a librarian. The woman's an unpleasant toad who never learns jack, and yet she still somehow represents an ideal of responsibility and good life choices. Wacky.So Mary decides to toss her social skills, erase her personality, and pursue a career she cares nothing about. Hey, who needs event co-ordinators and creative directors when we can have librarians who don't read? It's hard work, but it pays off. She becomes an achiever. She even sets her sights on a certain hunky guy, and totally lands her man! Turns out they absolutely nothing in common, but it's Love. Of course she'll have to stay in line if she wants to keep him. There's some necessary turmoil around the corner.I'd like this movie if it was just a bunch of funny stuff, but it's not. I'd like it if it was a win some/loose some character examination, but it's not that either. It's really a movie where characters are supposed to grow and learn something; instead they just go after prizes. The nightlife setting pokes fun at itself in believable ways, but then falls through as a plot element because no superior lifestyle is presented. It might as well be an office story.