People Like Us
People Like Us
PG-13 | 29 June 2012 (USA)
People Like Us Trailers

After flying home to L.A. for the funeral of his estranged record-producer father, a struggling man discovers that the will stipulates that he must deliver $150,000 in cash to a 30-year-old alcoholic sister he never knew existed, and her troubled 12-year-old son.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Moonstrike9 The director made the hugest mistake adding incestuous tension into this movie. It made the whole thing unenjoyable and unrelatable. Since this movie was based on the director's real life experience with his sister, it only makes me wonder. Yuck.
Problemyst There are so many ways of lying, of being fake... For example, pretending you are being modest when in fact you are not; or pretending you are being honest, when in fact you are not. The movie People Like Us teaches us that, when it comes to tell a story, you can be immodest and dishonest both at the same time. Although the subject matter promises us an interesting movie (the "Hey! By the way, you have a step brother" issue), we are treated rather to a "Do as I say!" indoctrination-type film, interspersed with your typical everyday clichés, lack of talent, lack of substance and beautiful people. For, although the author could've chosen not to force on us his particular view of how is it that we are to behave and feel about these delicate, and rather personal family matters, but simply make a movie about the viability of it, he nonetheless takes himself the liberty of doing the former.Apparently, you only start being a "true" human being when you stop being mad at your husband for having babies all over the place, and simply tell your little son about this potentially very painful fact (-- the father will lose its respect in the eyes of the boy, but at least he will become a "true" human being when he grows up: yea!--). Although having babies with other women while being married doesn't seem like the kind of thing to encourage, our author teaches us that it's OK: as long as daddy doesn't forget to take his diverse little offspring to the local park in order to film them with his old camcorder from the 80's, while they run around and bump with each other unaware, there seems to be no major issue with it.On the other hand, and as with many other adolescent, immature movies, everything gets centered around the main characters' overabundance of feeling. It's all about showing this overflow of emotions and inner struggles that more than being of service, nauseates with its over- sentimental, corny, gooey bad taste.All in all, I'm giving this movie 5 stars (not zero), for its production in general and quality actors are, nonetheless, worth mentioning.
Bob An Generally speaking, this is not a bad movie. But it is not great either. It is somewhere in the middle, but the story - or better to say the point of the story makes it a bit more appealing and interesting ( complex family relations which most of us can relate to). If there were not some things that I found very 'lame' in the movie, I guess the rating would be higher.First, I found it very silly and totally not understandable why he did not tell his sister earlier who he was? The feeling I had that she was kinda falling for him made me feel uncomfortable. Incest was in the air ...Also, OK, I know it is a movie - though based on true events - but I don't think anyone would choose to help a kid in school when his mother is on the way ( and plus nothing of a big deal happened) to help him when on the other hand you have several people hanging above your head with : You will go to prison messages.The reason for his girlfriend's leaving was lame. They should have come up with something more serious and believable...Michelle Pffeiffer was kinda unrecognizable to me! Botox - too much of it? Or maybe I just did not see her in any of recent films.six from me.
Besart Prishtina I had this movies for long time in my watchlist, thinking is it worth almost 2 hours of my life, and today i had couple hours to spare and i decided to give it a go.Well... time flied and the movie ended and i felt captured, this one really dragged me in it and for this i will not mourn those two hours i spent watching this.The script, story, development were great, it developed slowly but beautifully, the dialog was good, the performance by the cast was exceptional.But the plot was a little bit thin, and it was predictable (very) in the last 15 minutes, so this why one star is missing here.But overall i'm glad it didn't turn into a rom-com because it would have plain stupid.