Fast Girls
Fast Girls
| 15 June 2012 (USA)
Fast Girls Trailers

A street smart runner develops an intense rivalry with an equally ambitious wealthy young athlete.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
bowmanblue First of all let me say that this review probably won't portray this film particularly fairly. I should never have watched it to begin with. Fast Girls is clearly aimed at the younger generations - probably from age 10-17. For they will never have seen much like it before and enjoy the characters and soundtrack (mainly hip hop - I believe, but then again, I probably couldn't recognise hip hop if it hopped up and down on my head).Fast Girls is about a poor girl from a run down area of London who just happens to be exceptionally fast. Therefore she qualifies for the British athletics team and goes away to train with them. However, there's a spoilt, blonde rich girl who got an A* in bitchiness for her GCSEs and loves nothing more than running down (no pun intended) anyone she perceives as poor, faster than her or from a run-down area of London - ooh-er, there could be friction here.So, our poor, fast heroine from a run-down part of London must prove herself both socially and on the track. Not to mention become friends with the bitchy rich blonde girl. Do you think they manage to live happily ever after? Well, that depends on whether you've ever watched a film before. Only children may wonder whether it's all going to end smelling of roses.Fast Girls is marketed as a 'feel good' film. I suppose it is. It (coincidentally!) came out around the same time as the London 2012 Olympics and does its best to cash-in on the general sporty mood of the nation.In short. I hated this film. It's packed full of clichés and it's not even funny. But then I seriously doubt that I was ever the intended audience. I should probably chalk it up to a lesson on checking out a film before I watch it to make sure that it's more something I'd enjoy.However, like I say, for the younger (less cynical) generations, it's probably got everything they could ever want - strong female role models, a love story and great (if you like that sort of thing) music to accompany it.4/10 from me.8/10 for anyone under 17 (I am now officially speaking on behalf of the youth of today!)
Neil Welch Black working class East London girl Shania qualifies for the British 200 metre squad and is put forward for the women's 4 x 100m relay team. However, also on the team is posh white Lisa whose dad is a wealthy former athlete who has influence within the athletic establishment. And Lisa takes an instant dislike to Shania...Fast Girls is essentially Rocky with British girls in running shoes against a backdrop of soap opera bitchiness. But, for all that, it's not bad. The characters are all reasonably well drawn and nicely played, the soap opera antics are well within the realms of believability, the film is nicely photographed and, of course, the races genuinely get hold of you and nearly have you out of your seat cheering the girls on. I'm not a sports fan, and why should I care about fictitious races? But I did.I could have done without the music on the soundtrack, but I recognise that this is an attraction for a good part of the target audience and, for me, it was only a minor distraction.I enjoyed this film much more than I expected to.
San Toki With the London Olympics fast approaching, what better way to cash in on the mood with a film about Female Athletics....that doesn't mention the Olympics at all or make any references to London. Nevertheless, the story is enjoyable, depicting a group of athletes trying to win relay success at the ''world championships'' despite having barely any practice, getting drunk before races and generally arguing with each other. Classic British spirit there.Our main characters Shania and Lisa, come from different backgrounds, Shania is working-class (we know this, as she claims she's never even been on a plane before!) whilst Lily is posh and supported by her family. Ignoring the fact that this is basically Bend It Like Beckham 2, the story works like a soap, at times it felt like an Olympic special of Eastenders, even featuring the actress who played ''Chelsea'' in the soap. There's drama, affairs and fights, alongside the minor issue of the actual Athletics. Written by Noel Clarke (Kidulthood/Adulthood creator), the film is very fast paced, and has that ''urban'' soundtrack to please teenagers. It essentially does what it says on the tin and you will find yourself caring about who wins the big race at the end!6/10
Braindead09 OK film, that follows a young dedicated black sprint racer as she battles to escape her council estate and become the best in the world. The lead character has no support from any of her friends or immediate family and is also homeless sleeping on couches.Her hardship has to be taken with a pinch of salt, because she appears fit and fed. The only help she receives is from an amateur coach who gives up his early mornings training her on a track that has seen better days with no proper facilities. The aim is to hit a consistent running time of under 23 seconds to qualify for the World Championships being held in London 2011.This aim brings her into conflict with the current UK champion and her father who is high up in the athletics association and will manipulate events for his daughter to always have the upper hand.The story covers familiar ground seen in most sports movies, and pushes home the concept that the only thing holding an individual back is how they deal with adversity and what they can do to break the cycle of their lives. The film deals with race and points the finger of fault at everybody ie if you come from a ghetto you can escape it with a little effort. The film is an enjoyable 100 minutes and the viewer does still root for the lead to achieve her goal no matter how self destructive she is. Its an attractive looking film, and does not claim to be a social documentary.