| 12 May 2017 (USA)
Jawbone Trailers

A former youth boxing champion, Jimmy McCabe is a man in search of hope but looking in all the wrong places. When he hits rock bottom he turns to his childhood boxing club and the only family he has left: gym owner Bill corner man Eddie and promoter Joe. Back in training, years after anyone thought he was a contender, he risks his life, as he tries to stand tall and regain his place in the world.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
angelsunchained I wanted to like this film and was hopeful it would turn out to be another Fat City. However, it is really nothing special. Little real character development. You can't relate to the main charcater because you have very little to go by. The majority of the film is the star looking glum, walking around the streets at night and training in the gym. Honestly, I couldn't of cared less if he wins his fight or not. The acting is good; but it is basically the same thing over and over. Better off watching Fat City as Stacy Keach as a washed up fighter making a comeback is ten times better then Jawbone.
Theo Robertson A former boxer with promise returns to his old stomping ground on the mean streets of London hoping for one last chance of success Stop me if you've heard this one before but .... what you stopped me as soon as I came to this page? Fair enough. JAWBONE is a traditional type of gritty drama of a washed out boxer trying to get his life back on track. If you're expecting the big budget feel good Hollywood factor try somewhere else because this is a gloomy British movie Actually this is maybe a little bit too gloomy. It's got that British independent feel. It's well made where the social realism shines through but it's not a film where you walk out of the cinema clicking your heels. On top of that unlike a lot of boxing films you've seen from ROCKY to RAGING BULL director Thomas Napper ensures that if you're hit with a high velocity fist then it will hurt and cut you One minor complaint is that some people be fooled in to watching a film starring Winstone and McShane and there can't be a single movie in Britain who doesn't love these two legends but the reality is their parts are minor with McShane literally appearing in one walk on scene . Instead it's Johnny Harris as boxer Jimmy and Michael Smiley who carry the film. Smiley in particular is very good but the story is one you've seen before
stephenw-30180 There are only four or five reviews on this film thus far and the overwhelming majority rate it at 8 of 10, or above. There is always the token "nay-sayer", but, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even when ridiculous.This stellar film is about a Boxer struggling with alcohol and other demons were not privy to in the story. Nor does it make much difference as the film is more about the human spirit and will then anything else. Boxing is simply the vehicle it rides on that back of to tell its tale.Anything with Ray Winstone and Ian McShane, IMO, is worth the price of a theater ticket. But , they have small roles in this film. They are, nonetheless, great in the scenes they are in, as expected. It's not the big Box office names that carry this heartfelt, gritty, anti-hero superb film, it's the awesome acting of Johnny Harris and Michael Smiley that make this bittersweet human interest story so great. Of the decades of "Rockyesque" type boxing films, which are pure fiction, (although Rocky was a great film, every other, garbage) this was a realistic tale of a fighter down on his heels and suffering from life challenges, yet with a spirit unbroken. The protagonist is not out for fame and fortune, recognition nor revenge. He is an average man with little in his life and a loner. No spoilers here....so I won't get too into the plot. I will say, with absolute certainty......if you are a fan of witnessing the strength of the human spirit and like to avoid the big Hollywood type nonsense usually regurgitated every few years on the silver screen using Boxing as its venue, then you will love this film.I highly recommend it. It is 90 minutes that passes like 20!
robrmcc I gave this movie a 10/10 review which seems a bit silly, but really for what it is I cannot really see it being much better. Acting, writing and direction was all really very good. The story is a simple one and familiar but very compelling for all that. The main characters were very real, relate-able and likable. Made me want to know them and I find myself wondering how they all made out. Jimmy portrayed the desperation of a real addict, but at the same time a quiet dignity and determination even in the face of his own weakness and the likelihood of relapse. Really liked it a lot and I don't say that about many movies.