Jem and the Holograms
Jem and the Holograms
PG | 23 October 2015 (USA)
Jem and the Holograms Trailers

As a small-town girl catapults from underground video sensation to global superstar, she and her three sisters begin a one-in-a-million journey of discovering that some talents are too special to keep hidden. Four aspiring musicians will take the world by storm when they see that the key to creating your own destiny lies in finding your own voice.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
David Moody While this movie is certainly inspirational, and delivers a strong message about believing in yourself, it's a far cry from the Jem and the Holograms animated series that people who grew up in the 80's would know; had the movie been given a less familiar title it may not have drawn the level of attention it did. Of course, it wouldn't be Jem without Synergy, and finding Synergy's missing parts does make for some of the movies better moments. Jem and the Holograms' rivals The Misfits only appear very briefly at the end, but the hatred is clear, and leaves the possibility of a sequel in which the 2 bands compete both on and off the stage.
xgray-03873 I don't even know why Universal or Hashbro Studios would even bother green-lighting this movie if it wasn't going to stay true to the original source material at all. I mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with the cartoons or the IDW comic books and it has no idea on what it was supposed to be about. Like is supposed to be like this social satire of the music industry and social media and you-tube stars?! Or is it supposed to be like the "Earth-to-Echo" rip-off about a scavenger hunt leading to missing pieces of a robot?! But, what's really sad about this movie is that there are some very talented actors that really should've been in better movies than this one. And I mean, some actual young talented actors that were supposed to start off their careers by doing some good roles in movies and TV shows. But, this is supposed to be their big break?!If you're like a huge fan of Jem and the Holograms, whether it's the TV show or the IDW comic books, I'd probably stick with either of those two options. But, don't bother with this movie. You'll just be straight-up insulted by it. But, if you're like someone who has literally no knowledge about Jem and the Holograms at all....I'd still say pick up an issue of the IDW comic books or go watch the TV show, instead.Bottom-line, this movie was "truly, truly, truly outrageously" bad.
Wizard-8 Yeah, yeah... I know that this kind of movie is not my usual cup of tea. In fact, several months ago I caught a couple of episodes of the 1980s animated TV show that this movie was based on, and I thought they were silly crud. The only reason why I decided to watch this movie was that I was curious to see how they would make a "Jem" movie on a budget of just $5 million. I will give the filmmakers this: The movie does look a lot more expensive than it actually is. And I thought that the acting wasn't all that bad. But the movie ultimately fails because of its script. The story is padded out to an excessive level, lasting almost two hours in length; it shouldn't have had to be that long. Well, it could have worked at two hours in length, but as it is, the story is alternately boring and extremely predictable. If you have seen ANY movie before about young people becoming famous, you'll always be one step ahead of this telling. Even if you were a fan of the "Jem" television show, it's unlikely you'll find this live action version endearing.
John Smith Jon Chu should be banded from anything prior to 2000. This was really really bad. I have seen amateurs with old camcorders make better films than the garbage he created with this movie. Actually calling it garbage is an insult to garbage. No originality it is basically Hannah Montana, why didn't he just call it Hannah Montana and friends that would have been more applicable this had absolutely nothing to do with Jem, and to make it worse the script, sucked....