| 10 May 2012 (USA)
Jackie Trailers

Two Dutch twin sisters travel to the United States, looking for their long-lost mother.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Micitype Pretty Good
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
maartenrogier The basic story is simple: two daughters fly to the USA to go on a road trip to meet their mother for the first time to take her to some hospital, and along the way they bond with their mom, learn to love themselves, and kick out the toxic men in their lives.The best parts of this movie are the interactions between the two sisters. Their conversations and fights seem very natural, and are enjoyable to watch. Holly Hunter's character is mainly there as a catalyst for these interactions, and seems a bit of a waste of her talents.The plot is very contrived at times, especially at the beginning and the end. A precise plot is clearly not the aim of the movie, which is all about the Van Houten sisters reconnect with each other. It's not a great film, nor does it pretend to be, but it's very enjoyable to watch on a Sunday afternoon.
jennifer-vrielinck This is a magnificent movie. It contains feel-good, ups and downs, laughter and tears, violence and kindness, love and lust. A lot of contradictions. The movie is a mirror of real life, like road movies should be. All actors are casted great. The scenery is philosophical and well chosen for the story. Especially the end is magical. Not in a fairy-tale way but in a way people should think about what fairy-tales are. The singing is beautiful, the acting is true, the girls are lovely, the mother too. I enjoyed every minute, every frame. The story takes you along and stays with you for a very long time. It's an intense experience. Without spoiling it for future watchers: this is what life is all about. A philosophical approach of family and of love... The fabulous end is the answer to all questions.
James Moriarty (The spoiler within this review is not too bad. I think you can read this review instead of the wikipedia-summary before watching the movie without getting disappointed. Perhaps it even increases your "adventure".)On the surface this move seems to deal with two sisters having a great adventure on the road and leaving their old lives behind. Already within the first minutes you can see typical patterns; both sisters struggle with their individual lives. The older one is egocentric and career focused, the younger one seems to have deep problems in her current relationship. As soon as they viewer gets to know that both of them are going to have a road trip, the spectator can imagine that this will change both lives and characters. This pattern has always been present in movies, from present to past. (Just as in Despicable Me, The Intouchables, Cruel Intentions,… to list a few examples.)In my point of view, the movies subject is on a different level. Beyond the obvious plot, it deals with the family-ideal as it exists and especially with the relations between its members. Whilst the viewer gets comfortable with the situation, the ending questions which connections and what behavior a family member has to fulfill. And I'm pretty sure that the writers even had some thoughts which didn't come to my mind yet. Furthermore, I think that the spectator has to be concerned with this question before watching the movie. Otherwise it's going to be clumsy and sometimes boring.Besides, the music and the landscape pictures are beautiful. (Concerning the booklet and the movie's title… well, too bad they won't reach the expected audience.)
nancysep Thoroughly enjoyed this road movie that made me forget I watched it with my friends. There is a good mix between drama and humor. The dutch actresses (sisters Van Houten) act very natural and the American (Holly Hunter) actress acts intriguing. You follow the journey of the Dutch sisters with their long lost Americain mother. Although a difficult process the journey leads to some insight in their lives. It clarifies the way they live their life. By driving their mother round they also add value to her miserable life. The music adds to the atmosphere of the movie that ends with a nice twist in the tale. The story is simple and not flawless, but overall I give it a 8 because of the good mix of drama, humor and atmosphere.