Love Object
Love Object
R | 13 February 2004 (USA)
Love Object Trailers

The twisted tale of Kenneth, socially insecure technical writer who forms an obsessive relationship with "Nikki", an anatomically accurate silicone sex doll he orders over the Internet.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
innocuous All the elements of "Love Object" can be found in other films, but the writer/director does a good job of building them into a surprising...and surprisingly that's entirely his own. Throw in a few fake-outs, including a feint or two near the conclusion, and you end up with a very watchable and entertaining film. I really enjoy thrillers of this type and consider myself pretty blasé about most plot developments, but I have to confess that I said, "Oh, no...he's not going to do that, is he?" out loud several times while watching this.The direction is competent, even if fairly uninspired. It gets the job done. The acting is highly variable, though, and I have to blame the director a bit for this. It's clear that the leads can carry it off, if directed properly, but some scenes give the appearance of first takes. It's almost as if the actors are doing a run-through or a blocking take. Desmond Harrington is the most uniform, but even he stumbles a couple times. Rip Torn is surprisingly self-controlled and really adds to the film.I've always said that the essence of "creepy and unnerving" is NOT to show us people doing things that are unimaginable. It's to show us people doing things that leave us thinking, "I wonder if, under the right circumstances, I might do something similar." That's the essence of "Love Object." Recommended for fans of creepy psychological horror.
The_Void Love Object received an incognito release a few years back, and this is unfortunate as what we have here is a film that takes a very basic idea (albeit one that I've not seen used before) and crafts and inventive and somewhat frightening little film out of it. The only film really similar to this that I can think of is Lucky McKee's oddball gem 'May', which seems to be gaining more and more fans all the time; and this makes Love Object's releasing all the more unfortunate, as this is a film that could definitely win itself a dedicated cult following. The film focuses on Kenneth Winslow - he's an everyday guy with an everyday sort of job at a place that prints instruction manuals. His life takes a turn one day when his co-workers introduce him to Nikki - a lifelike doll on sale on the internet for a whopping $10,000. He decides to buy the doll, and after becoming acquainted with it - quickly falls in love. However, he's also starting to get on with his lovely female co-worker...and this 'upsets' his $10,000 plastic love object, leading to the emergence of a strange love triangle.Going into this film; I was worried that the plot might not be able to stretch the running time - but there's enough else going on to ensure that Love Object doesn't become boring. The production values are high considering that this obviously wasn't a big budget film, and the acting is also rather good. The central performance is delivered by a shy looking Desmond Harrington, and he has good chemistry with his female co-star, Melissa Sagemiller. To the cult fan, however, the most interesting performance in the movie comes from Udo Kier - and while he's not really given the opportunity to make a big mark on the film, it's always good to see him. Rip Torn also plays a part, and along with Kier; makes the movie more memorable. Director Robert Parigi gets the audience into the film because the people in it are largely very realistic; the leads aren't overly good/bad looking and they don't have unlikely jobs, so the film is easy to get on with for normal people who have never spent any time with a sex doll. The film seems like it should have a point...but if there is one, I couldn't detect it. "Don't have sex with a rubber doll" is about the best I can do on that front. However, the film is interesting throughout and ends with a good Love Object definitely comes recommended.
drhackenstine Oddball movie directed in a low-key manner. Starts out as a drama, but turns into a psychological horror film. However, dark humor runs rampant through the film, but it is handled in a well orchestrated way, never ruining the impact the film tries to get across to the viewer. Many films these days stumble when they try to tie dark humor in with serious subject matter. A seemingly average joe falls in love with the new girl at his meandering office job. He buys a life-size sex doll that he models after her. He has sex with it, watches movies and dines with it. Soon, average joe and living girl start a relationship, and he starts to believe that the sex doll is getting jealous. A series of lengthy events then take place, involving the living girl finding out about the sex doll, the death of the doll, the average joe trying to turn the living girl into the doll, and the average joe coming out as the good guy in the end. Udo Kier gives us another irritating performance, but Rip Torn is fun to watch. I liked this movie. It's pretty fun and original considering the rubbish horror we have been getting served the last 10 years. Low on blood and gore but features a lot of style and imagination. Will probably be either a hit or miss in the avid horror viewers book. Three Stars.
Jeroen Besseling What is so scary about puppets? There have been a few movies that handled the human fear for the puppet (such as pin and child's play) but this movie is the absolute king of its genre, if you can call this a genre that is.The movie is about Kenneth, a frustrated and socially isolated young man who embarks on a strange sexual relationship with a love doll. The thing that I really liked about this movie is the music. It's very subtle and tells a lot about what is going to happen or gives you an unpleasant feeling. This is not a scary movie, although you will get goosebumps from time to time. I think in a certain way it's a very real movie about how people can drive themself mad. You see it all coming (at least I did) and I kept telling myself "OH GOD! HE'S NOT REALLY DOING THIS" but he was. It's a honest and shocking movie with a terrific ending.I am not going to spoil anything but you should watch this and then you must agree with me that the ending of this movie is the best part!. But still all of it is good, 10/10