London to Brighton
London to Brighton
R | 08 February 2008 (USA)
London to Brighton Trailers

It's 3:07am and two girls burst into a run down London toilet. Joanne is crying her eyes out and her clothing is ripped. Kelly's face is bruised and starting to swell. Duncan Allen lies in his bathroom bleeding to death. Duncan's son finds his father and wants answers. Derek – Kelly's pimp – needs to find Kelly or it will be him who pays.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Malcolm Parker That this was the Guardian's "British Film of the Year" for 2006, probably tell's us more about the state of the British film industry than it does about the quality of this film. It is a decent product in many respects, great performances from Johnny Harris (Derek), Georgia Groome (Joanne) and Lorraine Stanley (Kelly), effectual editing, decent camera-work, lighting and sound. Sadly, none of this can redeem a rather nasty "urban" story filled with tawdry stereotypes and sham 'gangland' moralistic overtones. The pacing of London to Brighton is however, quite excellent, and looking at the out-takes, proved to be the film's salvation. The story is predictable, but for me generated more than enough interest to keep watching right through till the end.That Johnny Harris went on to appear in Atonement is somewhat ironic given the brutal reparation forced upon him here.
dsprague-795-220325 Let me start by saying that for the first 95% or so, I loved this movie. Gritty, fast-paced and the Joanne role was astonishingly well acted. But there is absolutely nothing that annoys me more than a good, realistic film with a joke ending like that. Why would the pedo's son go to all the trouble of terrifying and traumatizing the girl far more than his father likely did? If the kid didn't need years of therapy from being tied to a bed, she sure as hell did after being chased all over England, dragged to what she thought was her grave then seeing two people get their heads blown off. What was the point of that? Secondly, why was Kelly given a moral free pass from the director? She sure played a significant role in the kid being tied up by a pedophile. Take the scene where she's waiting while Joanne is upstairs. She only goes to help when she hears screaming. So what, it would have been OK if the pedo had just gone about the business of destroying a child quietly? Why wasn't she shot with the two thugs? I have no patience for the "she was a victim too and had no choice" argument. When confronted with destroying a child she had all kinds of choices- run away, take the beating from her pimp etc. Finally, this film strives to be realistic. Well, sorry to say it but in real-life Kelly and Joanne end up in an unmarked grave with bullets in the back of their heads. In real life, Kelly would be an addict willing to give up her kid sister, never mind some kid she's never met. It sucks but it's true and this would have been a more meaningful, more honest film with that ending rather than the laughable fairy-tale tacked onto this thing.
kenjha A prostitute and a young teen girl become the targets of a London mobster after their tryst with the latter's father goes awry. This is an interesting if flawed feature film debut for writer-director Williams, who manages to create a tough and gritty atmosphere inhabited by low-life characters. Williams tries to create tension by using extreme closeups, but he overdoes it to a point where it becomes an annoying gimmick. The plot is simple and efficiently executed, but it doesn't add up to much more than a slight diversion. There are good performances from Stanley as a good-hearted prostitute, Harris as her uptight pimp, and Groome as a runaway teen.
uksigma There aren't many films of this genre (the late night TV film/filmfour film) which will grip you like this film does. I think, literally, I spent about half an hour in the doorway to the lounge, trying to leave the room in order to make a drink... but my eyes were fixed to the screen, and my feet fixed to the floor.I think this film speaks to you in a way you can't describe, you are along for the ride and you have bought 100% into the characters (save one 'baddy') - the director/cast/et al managed to produce something greater than the sum of it's parts. The film is fantastic and yet some of the parts really shouldn't add up to something so good.Excellent for what it is. Those who like to go on an emotional journey, a journey with the characters, an unpleasant and sometimes pillow-gripping journey, but a rewarding one none-the-less.
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