R | 08 June 2001 (USA)
Swordfish Trailers

Rogue agent Gabriel Shear is determined to get his mitts on $9 billion stashed in a secret Drug Enforcement Administration account. He wants the cash to fight terrorism, but lacks the computer skills necessary to hack into the government mainframe. Enter Stanley Jobson, a n'er-do-well encryption expert who can log into anything.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
adonis98-743-186503 A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell led by Gabriel Shear wants the money to help finance their war against international terrorism, but it's all locked away. Gabriel brings in convicted hacker Stanley Jobson to help him. Despite being a bit slow at times 'Swordfish' digs the villain more than the hero and John Travolta does an insane amount of well done job as the villain, the same goes for Hugh Jackman as Stan and Halle Berry as Ginger. This is a well written film with a well written plot, characters and even with flaws it's a better movie than it gets credit for. (8/10)
Tweekums 'Swordfish' opens with what at first appears to be a bank robbery going horribly wrong; the police pull a hostage wearing an explosive jacket away from one of the criminals and she explodes causing major damage. We then jump back four days and see a computer hacker arrested coming into the United States; he is then killed while in FBI custody. A second hacker, Stanley Jobson, is approached by a beautiful woman, Ginger Knowles, and offered a job… at first he declines as he will be sent to jail if he so much as touches a computer but when offered $100,000 just to discuss the job he can't say no. After a rather extreme test of his skills he finds that his potential employer, Gabriel Shear, will pay him ten million dollars if he helps him steal over nine billion dollars from secret government slush funds. Shear states that he intends to use the money to fund a private war on terrorism. Things soon get very dangerous for Stanley; the FBI are closing in on him and Shear's backer wants to shut down the operation permanently. If that weren't enough it appears that Ginger is an undercover DEA agent.This film starts well with an intriguing prologue and the story provides plenty of action and excitement from start to finish. There are numerous explosions and shooting scenes as well as other tense moments. There are however moments that don't look that real; the first explosion may have looked great when the film was new but the CGI enhancements are fairly obvious and the hacking scenes are fairly painful to watch even people like me who know nothing about hacking know it wouldn't look like that… it was hard to believe Stanley was even typing rather than just pressing keys rather fast! At least the shootout while driving through LA was pretty cool and the way a bus was carried by a Skycrane helicopter was impressive. The cast did a solid job; Hugh Jackman was solid as Stanley, John Travolta hammed it up delightfully as Shear and Halle Berry impressed as Ginger… even if her topless sunbathing scene was an entirely gratuitous excuse to show her bare breasts. While his role wasn't that large Don Cheadle was fine as FBI Agent J.T. Roberts, it is a pity his role wasn't larger. Overall this is a decent enough action film which it entertaining if you can suspend your disbelief and ignore a few obvious flaws.
damonsomers This is the worst move I've ever seen in my life. The money that went into it was the only reason for its pathetic short expensive life. Every person involved was only interested in money. Any person involved in this ^&$(#@ should be barred from making any other films. Any person that enjoyed this pile of stinking dog excrement should stick to suicide instead. thank you.
batmanreturns-56361 People has they own opinion. And most people will agree with me that this is a very good movie. I was blown away while watching the movie. Underestimated the film and I had a pleasant nice surprise. Travolta as a bad guy is simply amazing. He has mayor roles as bad guys in Broken Arrow, Face/Off, The Punisher etc. And he pulls this one off brilliantly. And lets not forget about the great supporting cast: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle. This is a must watch for any movie fans and also John Travolta fans, as you will be blown away. A blockbuster that has everything, very slick and stylish. What else can I say excellent film.