Wedding Trough
Wedding Trough
| 26 December 1974 (USA)
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Alone on a farm, a man spends his days tending to his animals, with a particular love for his sow. After an illicit encounter between the two creatures, the pig gives birth. However, tragedy strikes when the man tries to force the newborn piglets to love him as he loves them.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
gunslinger861 I remember being 15 and discovering a website called video mayhem of Florida. I remember it was a vast oasis of wonderfully obscure and violent films,most of which i never dreamed i thought id'e see. To my luck i have though. One title in particular stood out to me as something i never in my wildest dreams thought id'e get a chance at. The film was vase de noces,also known as The wedding trough,and the much cruder title The pig fornicating film. The basic story is of a lonely farmer who may or may not be the last man on earth,although i think the idea of the last man on earth is a much more disturbing plot point. Anyway through his loneliness and isolation he from s bond with a large sow pig. As the film progresses we see a bizarre courtship between man and animal culminating in a very graphic scene of bestiality. Strangely enough the sow becomes pregnant and gives birth to three little piglets in a graphic birthing scene. We watch as the farmer tries in vain to raise the quote unquote children but fails as they prefer there mother to him.In a fit of desperation he hangs all the piglets. This being seen by the mother pig,she runs into a mud pit and drowns.To the farmers despair he hauls his beloved out of the pit and attempts to bury her with himself. Now in complete state of hopelessness he goes on a spree of eating both animal and human feces until he grows violently ill and hangs himself. The last image is of his swinging corpse.Now before i actually watched this film i can not tell you how many negative reviews i read about this film. When i finally got down to watch it i was surprisingly entertained. The film plays out like tragedy. I was not so much disturbed by the content as i was by the themes of this film. At first glance one would pass this film off as nothing but zoophelic garbage passed of as an art film,and it would be hard to argue that.however to quote shrek this film is like an onion,it has layers. And the deeper you go into this film the harder it is to take. Once you get past the ideas of bestiality you realise that there are themes of isolation,madness,loneliness,the trials frustrations of parenting,and even forbidden love to a strange extent. I do not condone this film for the fact that the idea of platonic love between a man and an animal not only disturbs me but i also find it reprehensible. I can though and I'm not trying to sound contradictory understand the fact that the single true character in this film deals with true mental illness and one has to understand that in that state of mind one can be capable of some truly vile acts.To me this film is a showcase of a directors demons and personal woes although i can not say if bestiality is his true focus. Maybe the aforementioned issues above...who knows. As a film vase de noces surpasses any art film i have seen with the exception of begotten. Really as an experiment more then anything, for that alone i give this film a higher then usual rating. However be warned this film is greatly troubling whether its the content or the themes you may not walk away from this film with the same outlook for a while.
mrdonleone this movie is a perfect example of how a work of art can be misunderstood. when I read all the comments about 'Vase de noces', I was shocked. how can something so beautiful as this movie be misinterpreted? because that's all it is: interpretations. this movie is, because it has got no dialog, one big interpretation. so let's give mine by repeating it's only my interpretation: this movie is about homophobia, even though I only understood its message at the end of the picture. everything became clear to me: obviously, the protagonist is a farmer boy with mental problems, probably caused by something like, perhaps, childhood terrorism, it isn't mentioned in the movie (no dialog, remember?), but it's clear to say this teenage boy has got real problems. because he lives all alone in a farm with his animals, nobody helps him to fur fill his needs. and he has got some weird needs, but only (I interpret) because he lives alone, he's homosexual and no man in around (and no woman either) to help him get off his sexual desires. luckily for the poor kid, there are his animals. they help him go on with his life, by giving free sexual encounters and giving him the possibility to kill whenever he's upset. please, do not forget, I do not give away anything about this movie, there are shocks with thousands in this one I won't tell a thing about. but what I found so interesting, is that the boy has got some issues, he's a bit like the Amon Goeth character in 'Schindler's List', very interesting. he hurts himself, he loves himself, he wants to do good, he fails by being the opposite. how will this character study develop? to know this, you must see this art house movie, pure genius. and the thing about it all, is its hidden message, which I thought was that we must stop hating homosexuals and welcome them in society to avoid situations like the one portrayed in 'Vase de noces', one of the best films I've ever seen.
chrisjoy This 'film' has to be one of the most sordid films every produced. For people to even suggest that Olof_kmek's comment was useful has either never seen this movie, or has no idea what this film is about. This film has nothing to do with love, but pure sadistic acts of bestiality, coprophagia, murder, and suicide.The film has a very incoherent plot structure, and is difficult to describe chronologically due to several strange and often random scenes interweaved into the overall story. Such displays consist of the farmer fastening doll heads to pigeons, cutting off the head of a chicken, and collecting strange materials in jars. A farmer, who may be the last person on Earth, lives on a rural farm in Belgium, and falls in love with his huge sow. After bonding with her in several strange ways, such as rolling in manure with her, he finally decides to culminate the relationship. After which, the sow gives birth to human/pig hybrids, whom the farmer immediately tries to bond with. He tries to feed them all, but they all try to leave to be with their mother. Jealous, the farmer hangs all of them. When she discovers that her children are dead, the sow runs away in grief and falls into a mud pit, where she drowns. The farmer begins to look for his love, and when he finds her, he becomes overcome in sadness. He drags the sow out of the hole and buries her back at the farm, and subsequently tries burying himself along with her. When this fails, he decides that his life is also over, and begins destroying every important aspect of his life, including the strange jars that he collects throughout the film. After his breakdown, he oddly begins making tea out of his feces and urine, which he consumes wholeheartedly, and immediately becomes sick. Finally, he hangs himself off a ladder, which is the last image of the film.
fudgepax261 I approached Vases De Noces with sheer caution, knowing what would lie ahead of me and all the talk surrounding it, it remains as strange, quiet, savage and disgusting. It has scenes that are revolting and ugly, you could beg the film for mercy to end and it still lingers on the screen like smoke. Vases De Noces could be on a category of its own. We see things as bestiality, corophagia, urine-drinking, etc and it does not shy away on what we can do is just stare or just close our eyes. Others have said that it's disgusting, vile, nasty, and sick and I have to agree that the film is not so enjoyable. Sure all of this could make out that Vases De Noces (aka The *beep* movie) is such a wretched film that could leave you nauseated and would make you not look at an animal for a while, why is there a movie like Vases De Noces around? Was it done to just shock, disgust? Or enjoy? I could say the first two, knowing what I would wouldn't see. It is a film that has disappeared from out of thin air, nowhere to be found for someone to see and if they did, they shouldn't. What I found so fascinating is how the farmer lives, he uses hot coals to take baths, prays before he eats, does his business in a portable toilet. Lingers about his farm tending to his chickens or putting dolls on them or just frolicking with his pig.Sure, frolicking with his beloved pig; chasing it around, rolling around the manure,until finally having sex that made me flinch in disgust, it's not too graphic but weirdly well done.Many reviewers have focus on the content and how tedious it is,never noticing how the sky and landscape shows how the post-apocalyptic the world is. After the pig has died and the Farmer burying himself with the pig, it is lurid.There is an amazing long shot of the black and white landscape fading slowly before the Farmer rises from the pigs grave. A strange but funny scene when the farmer eats and feeds his offspring, the little piglets run over to his plate. Refusing their food only to eat his and again and again he puts them back to their plate only to find them going back to his plate. This review will make you think I enjoyed this film,although I can admit that I only enjoyed the cinematography and the isolation of the farmer.Watching this after watching the tedious Nekromantik 2 which went on and went on, I was engulfed from the loneliness of the farmer.Like the first original Nekromantik, the hero kills himself after it's horrific lifestyle in a very enigmatic way.Not much things are explained and I don't mind at all. I settle in giving Vases De Noces three stars out of four or a 6 1/2 out of 10, Not to saying I hated it or loved it, all I could tell you is don't watch it.