Amish Grace
Amish Grace
| 28 March 2010 (USA)
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When a gunman killed five Amish children and injured five others in a Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania schoolhouse shooting in October of 2006, the world media attention rapidly turned from the tragic events to the extraordinary forgiveness demonstrated by the Amish community.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
YourFamilyExpert WHAT IS AMISH GRACE ABOUT?Tells the story of the 2006 massacre of Amish schoolchildren by a mentally unstable gunman, that religious community's subsequent forgiveness of the murderer, and their outreach to his widow.IS IT ANY GOOD? (GRADE: B)Despite its status as a Lifetime movie and criticisms that it takes artistic liberties with actual events, Amish Grace emerges as a poignant and inspiring little movie. Due largely to acting and screen writing that are far better than expected, the film transcends its made-for-TV cinematography, editing, and musical score.It's true, some of the peripheral characters aren't well-developed and come across as caricatures, but the lead performances by Kimberly Williams-Paisley (Father of the Bride), Matt Letscher (The Mask of Zorro), Tammy Blanchard (Bella), and Amy Sloan (The Day After Tomorrow) are all captivating, each giving wholly credible explorations of pain, loss, redemption, and healing. The screenplay intelligently makes a case for forgiveness, love, and faith without any trace of condescension or criticism. The paradox of the Amish shunning those who've left their faith while forgiving the greater sin of murder is brought up, but sadly left unexplored; still, this is a minor issue for a film this well-performed and moving.Historical fiction has always created characters who are composites of actual people in order to streamline the narrative. Films like Titanic and Glory have done this to memorable effect, but rarely has this been attempted with events that are so recent. One may question the choice to focus on a fictional couple rather than actual people whose stories are certainly inspiring. However, by having protagonists who struggle and doubt more than the almost superhuman real-life Amish seemed to, the filmmakers have given the audience someone to relate to. Amish Grace, therefore, should be taken as very good historical fiction, not as history itself, though it will hopefully motivate viewers to learn more about the actual events.IS IT OKAY FOR YOUR KIDS? Amish Grace was rated TV-PG. It tastefully addresses the true story of the massacre of Amish schoolchildren by a mentally unstable gunman. The shootings occur off-screen and though the characters see the bodies, the audience does not. Though it contains nothing offensive and is appropriate for families, the film is thematically intense as it deals with the emotional and spiritual aftermath of murder, so parents be aware and ready to discuss the story with mature children.ANY WORTHWHILE MESSAGES? Forgiveness doesn't mean condoning wrong actions or letting someone escape consequences, it means letting go of bitterness and hate. You can find peace in loving those who've wronged you.
celco74 I've watched only a few documentaries about the Amish, but even from that few I get the impression that this movie fails awfully to give an authentic portrait of the Amish and their way of life.most of all, it looks like the usual Hollywood-formatted actors and actresses (who are just used to deliver the same performances over and over again) have been put into Amish clothes (the dresses, the suits, the hats, ...) and that's it. for them it doesn't really matter if they are wearing futuristic space suits, medieval garments or just plain jeans and t-shirts. they just deliver their usual acting routine in a Disney-ish happy family idyll environment.the same mimics all over again, as seen in countless other American (aka "english" in Amish-speak) movies before.for me it's just more of the same, just that this time it comes in Amish hats. and that's what's wrong with this movie.
superlo STORY - Based on the true story of the murder of five innocent Amish school girls in 2006 in Lancaster County Pennsylvania. The main family in the story is fictional, however. Great acting and screenplay. Emotional without being manipulative. Violent without showing any violence. Inspirational without being preachy. I have always been critical of faith-based films that are basically 'sermons disguised as films'. Faith-based films should be great stories where the message is an integral part of the story. This is one of those. At the heart of the story is a horrific crime. A lone gunman backs his pickup to a one room Amish school, walks in and proceeds to kill five young Amish girls and wound five others. What happens after that is almost as unbelievable. Three Amish men, including the father of one of the victims, visit the home of the killer to offer forgiveness and help to the gunman's widow. But not everyone finds it easy to forgive. Ida Graber (Paisley) isn't buying it. 'I will not betray my daughter by forgiving her killer'. What follows is for the most part the struggle between two women, both mothers & wives, struggling with forgiveness and their husbands from two totally different perspectives. While we may all have a tendency to see the Amish as stoic and and almost mechanical or robotic in their faith, this is not at all what comes thru in the film. While raising (but not answering) some inconsistencies in their practices, we see them as real humans struggling to deal with this horrific crime against their community. One of the most powerful scenes is at the funeral for the gunman. This is a movie that will haunt you and stick with you as you consider (at least I did) how to live out a live of forgiving with even just the most mundane grievances. What could this mean for communities, our nation and our world if forgiveness were truly practiced. I highly recommend this film.
peachy2 This movie showed that while forgiveness isn't something that comes naturally, it is something that harms not necessarily the object of hatred but, rather, it harms ourselves, our own lives, & those around us. THIS is the lesson of this movie.It tells you right out that it's a fictionalized version of the real event, so I have no problem w/the bits of "drama" added, as another reviewer has indicated. None of that detracted from the important message, & that was the key point. If you have a heart & a soul, you will FEEL this movie ... & be forced to reconsider the next time someone does something petty to you & yours & your automatic reaction is to make them pay--because you will remember this movie, & know that if you can't get over that, you'll never get over the really difficult times.
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