R | 13 December 2004 (USA)
Blessed Trailers

Heather Graham and James Purefoy play a couple who desperately want to have a baby. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed as infertile, and the couple can't afford the medical treatments that might allow her to conceive. Good fortune appears to be smiling on the couple when they are given an opportunity to receive free treatments at a mysterious fertility clinic.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Armand the good intentions are basic virtue of this strange film. strange not for idea but for its use. and for the not inspired manner to be more than poor exercise to remember a classic. the cast is OK and this is far to be a virtue. because the presence of Heather Graham and James Purefoy as a sweet couple, Fionnula Flanagan in skin of an interesting character and, the sad piece - Andy Serkis as pearl before swine in a movie who is only mixture between different ingredients, with large slices of Rosemary Baby and a lot of clichés. it is difficult to comment a film who is only exercise for a director ambition. or, only, a not inspired homage to Polansky and horror universe.
Matt Kracht The plot: A couple visit a fertility clinic, not knowing that they also do research into human cloning... and devil worship. And book publishing.This is an outright, brazen ripoff of Rosemary's Baby, though it's also somewhat influenced by other supernatural thrillers, such as The Omen. If you've seen Rosemary's Baby, you really don't need to see this. It's got a pretty decent cast, but that's about the best I can say for it.There were some half-decent ideas here, and I think that they could have worked in the hands of a better director. I'm not saying that they were good ideas, but a skilled exploitation director could have turned this into an enjoyable, derivative waste of time. Instead, we get a somewhat inept attempt to plagiarize one of my favorite horror movies.Despite all its faults, it's still watchable. I can't recommend it, though.
wes-connors Sexy teacher Heather Graham (as Samantha "Sam" Howard) and novelist husband James Purefoy (as Craig Howard) are having trouble making babies. They go to a fertility clinic where she gets pregnant. After their New York apartment is ransacked, the expectant couple moves into the sleepy little neighborhood near the clinic, which doubles as a cloning institute. Eerie music plays as Ms. Graham is stalked by a satanic black-hooded stranger. Just like the husband in Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), Mr. Purefoy's career takes off while Graham experiences womb kicks from Hell… There are some nicely photographed locations, but "Blessed" will probably leaving you looking for an abortion (or the original "Rosemary's Baby"). It's dedicated to David Hemmings, who died during production. Looking (appropriately) ghastly, Mr. Hemmings is the devilishly-browed book publisher "Earl Sidney". If you're familiar with Hemmings from "Blow-Up" (1966), prepare for a shock. Also creeping about, and unintentionally muddling the plot, is priestly dramatic Andy Serkis (as Carlo). Handsome 1970s hunk Andrew Stevens produced; his sexy 1960s mother Stella Stevens plays "Betty" the Realtor.*** Blessed (5/16/04) Simon Fellows ~ Heather Graham, James Purefoy, Andy Serkis, David Hemmings
Spaceygirl This is a very bad remake of Rosemary's Baby, with more than just a nod to the original. The originaltitle was Samantha's Baby, which makes no sense as she has twins. Samantha even works for St Rosemary's! (which is silly as there IS no St Rosemary) The script is dire, the dialogue sometimes laughable. Theacting is okay, the late great David Hemming, Andy Serkis, Fionulla Hughes and the sparkling Stella Stevens ably supporting gorgeous Heather Graham and James Purefoy. The star ofthe movie, however, is Heather Graham's prosthetic belly which is utterly believable. Where the movie fails is, its supposed to be a horror and yet fails to deliver a single scare throughout its 90 minutes. What irritated me was thereaction of several characters to the news of twins. They get this horrified glazed look that ismildly offensive. Its such apity that THIS had to be the swansong of the late David Hemmings.