PG | 23 November 2011 (USA)
Hugo Trailers

Orphaned and alone except for an uncle, Hugo Cabret lives in the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. Hugo's job is to oil and maintain the station's clocks, but to him, his more important task is to protect a broken automaton and notebook left to him by his late father. Accompanied by the goddaughter of an embittered toy merchant, Hugo embarks on a quest to solve the mystery of the automaton and find a place he can call home.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
cricketbat I appreciate the fact that Hugo is a love letter to early film history, but that doesn't excuse it from being tediously drawn-out. The characters' constant refusal to share information with each other is the only reason the already thin story is allowed to drag on. The second half is better than the first half and there are some good performances and fun visuals, but I wasn't overly impressed with this film.
invisibleunicornninja This is a pretty good movie. The story is entertaining and the child actors are pretty good. There is some stupid in this movie, but not too much. I'd kinda recommend it. Its not great, but still fun.
Mihai Toma Hugo, an orphan child living in some hidden tunnels in a train station gets into trouble while trying to fix a robot which may elucidate the mystery of his father's death. Meanwhile, he befriends the adopted daughter of a local toy repair store owner which has a couple of mysteries of his own. His adventure will prove to be more tangled than he expected as more and more clues and connections are revealed.It's an emotional and dramatic story which follows an ingenious little boy and his everyday struggles. His adventures are presented in style, in a very atmospheric place, the train station. It has soul, it looks great and it has some very good actors. You get eager to find out what will happen to Hugo right from the beginning which creates some sort of a bond, a great feeling. The finale is as surprising and satisfying as it is unexpected. The mystery surrounding his father's past, together with the one from the repair shop owner will definitely prove worthwhile. A very good movie, no doubt about it.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues The main problem with Hugo is about artificially of the movie,the plot no make sense at all and those graphic computer spoils this poignant story, driven to kids or mature audiences didn't get the target on both sides, Ben Kingsley is inappropriate to the role...he played so many bad guys lately that the public don't forget...bad choice indeed...some characters don't have any connection with the story itself...despite Sacha Baron Cohen made a fine job as station inspector he is a bad guy...he send children to orphanage all the time without pity...the both leading children are amazing pure and without malice saves the movie...anyway Martin Scorsese made a movie that is out of the level...even that is a poignant story....watchable if you forget all thing above!!! Resume: First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: Netflix / Rating: 7