Sex After Kids
Sex After Kids
| 26 January 2013 (USA)
Sex After Kids Trailers

A disparate variety of couples from all walks of life strive to maintain active sex lives despite the notable distraction of having kids.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jeff_p101 I almost never write a review, but for this movie I feel I need to add my 2 cents as it is my opinion the rating is way low for this movie. The acting was good and the characters believable. I found myself laughing out loud more than afew times and I do not laugh with that many of today's movies, though I view more than the average, for sure. I thought this movie touched on real thoughts and feelings and think it might have influenced some voters by making them a bit too uncomfortable. It is interesting to me the demographics of the voters. The highest group rating came from the group I would expect to find the topic matter the least discomforting. I recommend this movie, even above most I have seen with much higher ratings, and with confidence you too will find it worth the time.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Where did the comedy vanish off to? I had such a hard time getting into this movie, and it never pushed any of my buttons, and I had to give up not even halfway into the movie.The storyline was just as far from interesting as it could get, and within the first ten minutes I had my phone out and was doing something else other than paying attention to the movie.From what I saw of the movie, then I will say that the people hired for the various characters and roles in the movie were doing good enough jobs with their respective characters, they just had a boring script working against them.Of course there is an audience out there for this particular movie. I just wasn't part of that audience.I didn't even break a smile anywhere throughout the part of the movie I watched before I gave up. So whatever comedy was applied in this movie was more than lost on me and my particular sense of humor."Sex After Kids" scores a meager 3 out of 10 stars from me. Nothing noteworthy or recommendable here.
smetaxas What a fantastic movie! Funny, edgy, raw and yet touching. My husband and I laughed until we cried. Jeremy Lalonde has taken an ensemble cast of extremely talented actors and made a gem of a movie! If you don't go see it you will have missed out on one of the funniest adult comedies in years. Not to say that there aren't some very touching moments in this movie, there are. Mary Krohnert played her part so well that I literally cried with her when her heart wrenching scene played out. Zoie Palmer and Kris Holden-Ried had me crying with laughter. Paul Amos had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. Amanda Brugel also gave a tremendous comedic performance. Shannon Beckner, Ennis Esmer & Katie Boland work their magic with your emotions too! Jay Brazeau & Mimi Kuzyk gave you way TMI about your parents and do a great job doing it! All the actors even those I haven't mentioned were great. All I can really tell you is GO AND SEE IT WHEN YOU ARE ABLE! To miss it would be a crime.
holly-39 I went with a friend to see this at the Santa Barbara Film Fest... and what a wonderful treat this film is. Three of the actors were from a show I watch on television, Lost Girl, so that was my main reason for wanting to see the movie. The whole film was just so much fun and my friend and I laughed so hard, we'll have to see it again as we might have missed something. The cast was fantastic and everyone had great chemistry along with superb comedic timing. Sometimes ensemble casts can be a dud... but this cast was simply fantastic. Additionally, the stories were fresh and the whole concept was just great. Would definitely see this again on a big screen and recommend to all my friends "Go see this film" you won't be sorry!