Bad Lieutenant
Bad Lieutenant
NC-17 | 20 November 1992 (USA)
Bad Lieutenant Trailers

While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
christopher-underwood I'm a big fan of the films of Abel Ferrara but I don't like this one. Does whether I like it or not have any baring on whether I think it good or not? Probably shouldn't but its kind of inevitable. Big problem here is the quartet of main themes, Catholic Church, gambling, drug taking and baseball. Not keen on the inclusion of any of them, let alone all four. In different circumstances inclusion of matters relating to the church wouldn't be so bad but here it really is central and we get heartfelt endorsements as well as criticism. I feel that seeing young children in a line being told that a wafer is the body of Christ is severe abuse. And if this didn't get m angry there is the whole New York cop corruption business. Was it really ever this bad in the state? Maybe but it is pretty hard to believe. Anyway the writer/director seems to take pleasure in this, how he got Keitel to perform in this the way he does, I've no idea, but the glee with which we are dragged through the gutter is disturbing in itself. Made for next to nothing, the film is remarkably well made but I for one could do without it, thanks.
tgchan I was looking for the link on the IMDb and I have found out that I have seen a modern reproduction of it with Nicolas Cage: The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (2009) At first I didn't want to watch it but when I saw my 8/10 score for the 2009 version, now I really want to see it! I wonder if the original will be as good as the remake.3 minutes - LOL I already love it! That's gonna be a wild movie... I can feel it.12 minutes - I love watching BAD alpha males doing what they do best, probably because I am such a wimp... + they spare nothing... and show everything, big kudos for the honesty 34 minutes - this movie makes the remake look like a cartoon for kids... definitely more raw and rough 1h 17minutes - there are more drugs in this flick than in Requiem for a Dream (2000) lol Damn... what a weird movie... I wasn't even bored for one minute but I don't know... I think it was pretty average... Maybe it's because of how old it is (almost 23 years) but I have seen even older ones and I loved them; Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). I can only imagine how controversial it must have been back in a day... some of the scenes were really harsh.tgchan's rating: 6/10
freemantle_uk The 1992 film Bad Lieutenant was and still is a very controversial film that easily divides film fans and critics.Harvey Keitel stars as the Lieutenant in question, a police detective who is addicted to hard drugs, has sex with prostitutes and has heavy gambling debts. He attempts to get out of debt by betting more money on the World Series Games between the New York Mets and L.A. Dodgers, falling into a deeper void of drugs as he investigates the brutal rape of a nun (Frankie Thorn), a nun who is willing to forgive her attackers.Bad Lieutenant is a very dark, bleak film, centred around an excellent performance by Keitel. Keitel and his character goes through the ringer as the Lieutenant succumb to his drug addiction, taking its toll on him physically and mental. The Lieutenant goes through hell and we see him get more and more wound out during the film as he loses grit.Director Abel Ferrara makes a very grimy film, having a 70s look to it Sepico and Taxi Driver. The film is set in the roughest, run down areas of New York City and the city is made to be a cesspool of a place which is crime filled where people are gather round crime scenes. This is amplified by the style of direction, using plenty of wide shots and long takes, letting scenes play to their shocking conclusions and giving the actors mostly uninterrupted performances.Bad Lieutenant is very much an art house film about the decline of a man in a world of sin, embarking on sin and someone willing to forgive the people who did the most horrific act possible. It is a brutal, unpleasant work and Ferrara takes very surreal turns with his use of Catholic iconography.Bad Lieutenant is deserving of its controversial status with its violence, sex and it notorious rape scene. But it a interesting art house film as we explore one corrupt cop going into the depth of his own personal hell.
ozjeppe Harvey Keitel pulls out all the stops in an audacious, brave performance. Playing a corrupt, heavily multiple substance-abusing cop in NYC, he is one tortured soul, hell-bent in an inferno of decadence, neglect and self-destruction. The case of a nun's rape (in church, no less!)draws him in, though, suggesting a chance of salvation.Plays and feels like a leftover, heavy and dark Scorsese piece, replete with catholic symbolism of guilt and repentance. Still a strong, effectively gritty experience with one genius stroke that adds an unexpected, looming pitch of suspense: Having Keitel's character following the world series of baseball playing in the background, on which he keeps playing a high-stake money betting battle.5 out 10 from Ozjeppe.