The Night Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
NR | 06 December 1941 (USA)
The Night Before Christmas Trailers

It's snowy and cold outside, and warm inside where Jerry squeezes past a mousetrap to cavort under a present-laden Christmas tree. Mistaking the sleeping Tom for a plush toy, Jerry wakes him and a mad chase ensues.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rich Wright Well, not STRICTLY speaking a film... but at 8 minutes 19 seconds it's slightly longer than the usual short, the showcases the love/hate pair at their very best.The wonderful artwork full of festive colours, long before computer animation came into being, is a joy to behold. The carols playing in the background enhance the atmosphere as well. The inventive slapstick that made the original cartoons classics of their era, is here... And, with the addition of toys as props for the inspired mayhem, better than ever.But what with this being a festive special, there HAS to be a 'warm your cockles' moment... and it arrives with the ending, where the duo put aside their differences to have at least ONE day of peace.Tom retrieving his frenemy from the blistering cold after a huge guilt trip and Jerry revealing the location of a carefully disguised trap in Tom's milk bowl are truly moving moments... And though we love the violent high-jinx the pair get up to, it's good to put it all aside for one day... Right? Magical. 8/10
Otavio-clubpenguin The Night Before Christmas may not be the funniest, but it's really adorable. Some Gags really work, and the ending brought a tear to my eye.The Story?It's Night Christmas Eve on Mammy's House, Jerry starts to have a little walk around the house, playing with the Gifts under the Christmas Tree. Unknown to him, Tom was taking a nap, then he accidentally wake up Tom. And then the chase starts. Eventually Tom manages to throw him out of the house. But after a heavy snowstorm begins, Tom rescues Jerry and tries to wake him up, then they both enjoy the fireplace together.Talk about a cute short, every moment on it it's perfectly animated, the bright colors help a lot. The ending is so beautiful that it evens bring a tear to my eye.Everyone that calls himself as a Tom and Jerry fan Should watch it!
TheLittleSongbird I am a big fan of Tom and Jerry and I love Christmas-themed cartoons/films, so this a match made in heaven I thought. And I was right, I loved The Night Before Christmas, it has everything a Tom and Jerry cartoon should have. Plus it is heartwarming, funny and charming.The animation is beautiful, the backgrounds are fluid, the colours look really nice and the characters are drawn well, even Tom who looks quite cute. The music is also sweet, the sight gags are funny, the story packs an emotional punch for me especially at the end, which is one of my favourite Tom and Jerry endings and both Tom and Jerry are wonderful to watch and very likable.Overall, for any Tom and Jerry fan, this is a must watch. 10/10 Bethany Cox
badfatty It's Christmas Eve, and Tom & Jerry get involved in the usual cat & mouse conflict, but in the spirit of Christmas, they both bury the hatchet (for the time being at least) and show compassion and warmth to one another. The show began with Jerry coming out of his mouse hole to find a piece of cheese wrapped with a bow on a mousetrap, which he's too wise to retrieve, so he leaves it be.**possible spoiler**At the end of the episode, Jerry retires back to his hole and decides to use a candy cane to remove the cheese from the trap, still outside his door. Once disturbed, it's revealed that the trap wouldn't have hurt Jerry at all, as the part that's supposed to snap ever-so-slowly came down. This made Jerry smile, as he realized Tom had made yet another nice gesture. Recommended.