A Country Christmas
A Country Christmas
| 30 November 2013 (USA)
A Country Christmas Trailers

When Santa Claus loses his magical powers and becomes stranded in their barn, two children from a small farming community help him save Christmas before it's too late.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Christmas-Reviewer BEWARE OF FALSE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW TO THEIR NAME. NOW WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE MOVIE. IF ITS A NEGATIVE REVIEW THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST THE FILM . I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 200 HOLIDAY FILMS. I HAVE NO AGENDA.A Country Christmas is a 2013 made-for-television Christmas movie In the film, a cranky US senator wants to ban belief in Santa Claus and succeeds in passing a law forbidding all images of him. This causes Santa to start losing his powers and he finds himself (and one of his helpers) stranded on a farm in a small town called Hope, Arizona. There he is found by the owner's children, Miley and Zach. Since the rules that govern Santa's existence forbid his revealing himself to the public or interfering directly, he's doomed to cease to exist soon. The children then set out to save him by publicly challenging the senator to an open debate over Santa's existenceThere is a very heavy handed backstory in this film that Caitlin Carmichael proves she is an actress! Bravo to her. Her performance saved this movie. The film was going astray put she elevates the film from a problematic script. Also it looks like the hat that Elliot the elf wares would have been suitable if he was Mary Poppins! The film is worth watching. However in the film we find out the children's mother has terminal cancer. If you just recently lost someone in your family don't play this for them!!!!!
vchimpanzee When the movie begins, fifth-grader Zach sees Santa Claus deliver his presents on the night before Christmas.Outside of Hope, Arizona, Zach and his sister Miley live at their parents' Logan Lazy L Ranch. Everyone is looking forward to Christmas, but there is a grinch. Senator Max Schmucker thinks it is ridiculous to believe in Santa Claus and he has gone so far as to outlaw belief in this symbol of Christmas. At the kids' school, no one is allowed to mention Santa, and a Santa poster is removed from the wall. Miley brings it home.One day the kids see a suspicious light in the barn, and it turns out to be Santa Claus and his nasty elf Elliot. Santa doesn't know how he ended up in the barn. He and Elliot were doing their rounds to find out who was naughty and who was nice, but something went wrong with the portal that transports them from place to place. Furthermore, he can't seem to return and his magic powers are starting to disappear. He figures out that it must be because people have stopped believing in him. And there are rules: he can't just appear to people. Santa accidentally let himself be revealed to the Logan kids but this can't happen with everyone.Santa and Elliot can turn invisible, at least as long as their powers work. Or they can hide. The kids have to work hard to make sure no one finds out their secret. This is made quite challenging when some of the animals get into the reindeer feed, which leads to some entertaining visual effects. Meanwhile, the kids' mother Renae has a doctor's appointment. this is almost never good.The kids scheme to persuade the senator to debate whether Santa Claus exists. Miley makes a video challenging the senator to debate her, and the kids play hooky from school and sneak it into the local TV station. All of a sudden they are celebrities. Now, will the senator accept the challenge? Will any of this do any good? Will the kids be able to stop Santa Claus from disappearing completely?This is a mostly pleasant movie, funny and appropriate for kids with the usual challenges that they must overcome. But it does get really serious at times.The young actors do a great job, for this type of movie. Abraham Benrubi really stands out with his booming voice, sort of Donald Sutherland trying to be Darth Vader. And Mikey Post offers a contrast with his sour attitude.The edgy "Dr. Quinn" bartender becomes a kind and loving father, and Joey Lauren Adams is so sweet as usual. But there are some difficult scenes, because Renae has to explain her situation to the kids, and the kids have to cope with the problem. Trace Adkins has a cameo as an intimidating cop. He's pretty much what you'd expect. I didn't see how this ended so I can't evaluate how everything turned out. I was recording two movies at once and they both got cut off about 30 minutes early, including commercials.In both cases, a magical fantasy figure who entertains children was in danger of going away, and a child held the key to making things better.But you have to believe everything turned out all right. This was rated TV-G when I saw it, so surely some miracle occurred before the end.From what I saw, this was a nice Christmas movie to entertain the entire family.
sKiLLdEaL I don't like to slam movies in such a harsh way, but the reasoning is clear enough.Let's start with the fact that they are trying to put Santa is the place of God, in many different areas. Not cool. Next to all of that hogwash is the horrible acting. They have even used popular actors, but next to them is poor performances. The acting could have been straightened up, but it was pretty bad. It really reminds me of One Magic Christmas. Someone could die and no one acts like it matters.If you like watching Christmas movies, you may want to skip this on your list. However, I am willing enough to say that it's at least worth watching to judge for yourself.
Jay_Jay2664 This is so bad it isn't worth the effort. Acting is bad, plot teaches kids its okay to lie to parents. Kids riding in cars without seatbelts. Music is drab. It may be intended as an analogy of the war on Christmas but it falls way short. Spoiler....Santa breaks a rule and displays healing power. That causes him to become just a mortal.After he becomes mortal he turns into a bibbed overall farm hands. The final scene the children open a present. The new Santa tells them "some rules are meant to be broken."