Holiday Road Trip
Holiday Road Trip
| 01 December 2013 (USA)
Holiday Road Trip Trailers

Ashley Scott plays an executive for a company that produces pet supplies. Just after getting into a fight with her boyfriend about their relationship status, she takes up with the company's mascot and the company president's son on a road trip across America at Christmastime in an effort to get home for the holiday season.

EarDelightBase Waste of Money.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
moviedude1 Ashley Scott plays an executive for a company that produces pet supplies. Just after getting into a fight with her boyfriend about their relationship status, she takes up with the company's mascot and the company president's son on a road trip across America at Christmastime in an effort to get home for the holiday season.Susan Olson, Donna Pescow, and Mindy Cohn also played roles in this film, which, when I stumbled across the names, piqued my interest, so when I found out it was on TV, I hunkered down for the evening with the movie. It's not bad, but a bit clichéd. If you have a couple of hours during the holiday season and it airs in your area, go for it! But don't break up any holiday plans to sit down for'll be disappointed.
jfarms1956 Holiday Road Trip is primarily geared for those who are 16 and older and like romantic movies. Holiday Road Trip takes place around Christmastime, hence the name Holiday Road Trip. It is a romance which could take place at any time. A dog is in the mix, gee whiz, trying to add a bit of dog love too. It is a good movie to watch on a rainy or snowy afternoon with your BFF or significant other. Discover your heart with this movie. The pace of the movie could move just a hair faster. It is as much a road trip as a trip to find one's heart's desire. So, the title has a double meaning. A good movie to snuggle together with a cup of cocoa and some popcorn. There is just a tiny bit of violence in the movie. There is a little bit of humor also. The movie provides an adequate way to spend 2 hours for entertainment. Enjoy.