The Blind Side
The Blind Side
PG-13 | 20 November 2009 (USA)
The Blind Side Trailers

The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
PodBill Just what I expected
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
willia-16388 If I had a theme, I would just say truly compassionate. Let me start out by saying I am a very masculine male who is big into sports, spent the first have of my childhood growing up in the projects, I can relate to Michael's(Quinton Aaron) upbringing. Though not to his extent. With that being said, this movie brought a tear (one tear) to my eyes seeing the compassion that Leigh (Sandra Bullock) and her husband Sean (TimMcGraw) showed this young man who had been abandoned my his drug addicted mother. The way Mike bonded with Leigh's children, S.J (Jae Head) and Collins (Lily Collins) was great. Although Mike was a big kid, he was very gentle. Remember the scene where he told Leigh that he did not like being called Big Mike. Also, the movie had religion in it as the school accepted Michael based on their religion principles. Also, the way Sandra reached out to find Michael mother was very impressive. This movie had it all, compassion,drama, sports and religion. It made me appreciate the good in people and I truly want to pass this on. Maybe if more people felt this way, the world would be better.
Kazuto KIrigaya I loved it it was amazing i felt that (spoiler alert) he finally stood up to those other people and showed them he's not a push over I felt that more school should do all around student's because everyone can learn from it no one is stupid no one is dumb everyone have there own talent's and his happened to be protection and you know what that's a great skill to have in my opinion
nzswanny It's a cliché sports film, with Sandra Bullock.In case you didn't hear me right, this is a cliché sports film, with Sandra Bullock.Those words can let you decide whether or not you want to see this film or not. It's not a bad film because it's got Sandra Bullock in it, it's just a bad film because it's a cliché sports film with Sandra Bullock.Yep, you heard me right. A "feel good," TV-ish, cliché sports film with Sandra Bullock.In case you didn't hear me right, I will repeat what I said again. A "feel good," TV-ish, cliché sports film with Sandra Bullock.You can decide from there whether or not it'll be good.
zkonedog I made the decision to watch this film for two reasons: One, because I am a football fan, and two, because I like film dramas. Though I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would recommended to anyone, it focuses much more on the "human drama" angle and very little on the actual football.For a basic plot summary, "The Blind Side" tells the story of Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who is adopted by Leigh Anne & Sean Tuohy (Sandra Bullock; Tim McGraw) and given a respite from life in "the projects". A giant of a boy, Michael shows an aptitude for football, learning, and family values under the guidance of the Tuohys, and eventually obtains both a college education and a shot at football's biggest stage--the NFL.Because this is a movie based on a true story, it is tough to know how much of it is actually true. As a sports fan who closely follows the NFL, I know that Mr. Oher himself is uncomfortable talking about the film (or, more specifically, his portrayal in it), so perhaps some liberties were indeed taken to make for a juicier storyline.That being said, this production (for better or worse) is a strong, emotional, human-interest drama that will both warm your heart and make you think. Though the basic concepts and characters are "vanilla" enough for even younger children to grasp, the more over-arching themes can easily be picked out by adults and thought upon. The acting also helps accomplish this goal, as the entire cast shines in their respective roles.About the only thing that prevents me from giving this film the full five stars is that I felt it could have devoted a bit more time to the "football side" of things (ala the Michael Lewis book). If done correctly, this movie could have been a sort of "Social Network", but for the NFL. Instead, to create a more family-friendly film, the production eschews all but a few mentions of actual football.Overall, this is a charming film that is appropriate for anyone. Though not quite "gritty" enough to be an outright classic, there is something to be said for its saccharine approach to film- making. View with confidence knowing that you won't be looking at your watch throughout or shaking your head at the end.