PG | 19 December 2014 (USA)
Annie Trailers

Annie is a young, happy foster kid who's also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they'd be back for her someday, it's been a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan. But everything's about to change when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks—advised by his brilliant VP and his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor—makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he's her guardian angel, but Annie's self-assured nature and bright, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean it's the other way around.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
steph-97068 I thought the movie was great! The original movie was in my era; however, I love the modern day version- lots of funny parts, entertaining musical (which I normally am not the movie musical type), etc. My child who is a 12 years love this movie too. Only part I thought could have done better was the musical part in the helicopter but I still would rate this movie a 10. Warm and fuzzy movie :)
foghorn_clj Seriously it's just bad. How bad you may ask? To paraphrase a quote from Will & Grace, "Mariah-Carey-in-Glitter" bad.This movie is just so awful there is literally nothing good about it. Jamie Foxx's Will Stacks is so unlikeable you find yourself wishing he did get hit and killed by the truck at the beginning. Rose Byrne is grossly underutilised and given horribly vapid dialogue that even she can't make work. Cameron Diaz's performance as an abusive, drunk foster mum began ok and then she opened her mouth to sing and my ears started to bleed. As for newcomer Quvenzhane Wallis (P.S. Your parents should be shot for giving you that first name) seems to have been picked only because she's African American with a fro and a gap between her two front teeth. There really is no acting, singing or dancing talent here. The dialogue is pedestrian and for some reason everyone is speaking at 3x the normal speech rate so it's ridiculously hard to keep up with what's happening. And this is probably the biggest problem with this movie. It's moving so fast there's no time for character development or an emotions whatsoever. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE.
healthy-5 The original is a great film, but I found this as good if not, better than that. It obviously brings it bang up to date. The tunes are fabulous and catchy, the film is fun and the actors and fun and convincing too. Simply put, what's not to like?
ja-191-280465 When I first saw the previews for this film, I was far from interested. But when my curiosity got the best of me, I decided to give it a chance. Although I wasn't totally impressed, I do believe the film had its fair share of cute moments. You should know that this is nothing like the 1982 original. So if you're expecting the characters to be anything like Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney or Carol Burnett you will be extremely disappointed.Our new Annie is played by Hollywood newcomer Quvenzhane Wallis. As the lead, she is an admirable young girl with a perky attitude who helps those around her see the bright side of life. Annie lives in a Harlem apartment with her mean, snotty foster mother and four foster sisters. Hoping to reunite with her parents, she goes to an Italian restaurant called Domani where her parents abandoned her leaving behind a note. While rescuing a stray dog, Annie's life gradually changes for the better when Will Stacks a billionaire and mayoral candidate agrees to take her in to help further his chances of getting elected. Although not right away, Will eventually warms up to Annie and the two develop a strong bond.Quvenzhane Wallis is absolutely adorable as the lead. The movie is definitely worth watching for her performance alone. The four girls were cute at times but they don't have much to work with as far as screen time and dialogue. Cameron Diaz was far from believable as Miss Hannigan. She's no Carol Burnett but this is by far one of her worst performances ever. Jamie Foxx was goof and quite comical as the cocky, future mayor and cell phone mogul. Many of the scenes he shared with Wallis later on in the film are heartwarming and fun to watch. However, there are certain plot points that the film could've done without. The dancing scene between Bobby Cannavale and Cameron Diaz was just plain dumb. The singing was bad and it had nothing to do with the theme of the movie and therefore seemed pointless. The "auditioning parents" scene was just as bad. Auditioning random strangers to pretend to be Annie's parents was a horrible idea. Perhaps Mr. Gluck could've brought out the worst in Miss Diaz's character through better directing and dialogue. Not to mention the whole "I used to be a bright star"/member of C&C Music factory was a complete joke. I mean talk about unbelievable!!!!! Jamie Foxx, Rose Byrne,Bobby Cannavale, Cameron Diaz and David Zayas are all good actors. But they don't have much to work with to really shine. Aside from a few catchy tunes, cute kids and an impressionable lead actress, "Annie is good, but not great.