Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy
| 22 November 2002 (USA)
Ted Bundy Trailers

Docu-drama based on the life of Ted Bundy, a serial killer who killed at least 19 young women during the 1970's (though some sources say as many as 30 to 35 were murdered). Set from his college student years, to his first victims, his capture, escape from prison (twice), his final killing spree to his trial, conviction and execution.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Rich Coggs Now, be prepared, because I'm about to save you nearly 2 hours of your life. I can't help but feel that somebody watched American Psycho and decided that it needed to be remade, badly, very badly. What you should have here is a film about Ted Bundy; a sick and twisted man who committed crimes that would make the devil himself lose a boner. It should be a film that is locked inside Bundy's head. A psychoanalysis of a man constantly battling the urge to kill yet never winning and somehow thriving in his defeat. But no, here it is folks, the American Psycho remake I sure as hell don't remembering ordering. I find it incredibly disrespectful to the victims and their families that any murder scenes were shown at all, let alone the fact that they were this graphic. It's torture porn, pure torture porn, the very stuff Bundy ironically blamed for his murders in the first place. The film has no weight to it and is purely a very shoddy attempt at a horror film. All in all, you will gain nothing from this film in relation to Bundy. If you pretend this isn't about Bundy, that the characters are fictional and not genuine people whose families are still no doubt effected everyday by their loss, then what you have is still a below standard horror.
ShelbyTMItchell Really what such a laughable movie as it is poorly acted and poorly written. As though it is not funny of what the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy did. Still, the poor acting and poor writing makes it really funny.It shows Michael Reilly Burke as the leader title character. Who is bright and intelligent. Then he is stealing in addition to murdering. With bad music and really a cheesy storyline. And how his girlfriend Lea did not suspect at all, her boyfriend was doing these things to these young women.Despite joking about them. Still, you would think she would be suspicious. It leads up to his two CO prison escapes, his downfall in Miami and execution in the end. And kids saying his name in the end. Which is very funny there.One messed up movie and one badly cheesy movie.
Scarecrow-88 It'd be interesting to watch Matthew Bright's Ted Bundy along with "The Deliberate Stranger" starring Mark Harmon. Bright's film, of course, explores the dark, ugly side that TDS just couldn't because of national television. That means, more often than not, we see Ted Bundy in Bright's film almost always creepy and psychopathic. I think that's where Harmon scored and Michael Reilly Burke couldn't..we see Bundy in ways many others did, while Burke's Ted is always stalking and destroying. It's not exactly a pleasant film, by any imagination, but neither was Bundy's "extra curricular activities." We see the psycho-sexual stuff, his "pick-up" methods, and how he bludgeoned girls up side the noggins. Bright, maybe to the dismay of those who crave such explicit stuff, sometimes pulls back, not really elaborating in detail all of Bundy's sick, warped treatment of those he raped and murdered..I actually prefer this, because we're dealing with a real-life murderer, not an altogether fictitious one. It's hard to watch such a film as this as something entertaining, or to enjoy..it's a way for Bright to explore the darker side of man, using a subject we are familiar with. Burke is quite impressive in his scenes when he portrays Ted as a cold-blooded, and fiendish, maniac, who gets visceral thrills sexually molesting dead women, or assaulting future victims. Sometimes, Bright employs the "less is more" approach, subtly implying what is transpiring(..such as the awful, awful attack on a girl, using little more than scattered clothes in a pasture leading to an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere). It's inevitable that you'll have your anal retentive "historians" trying to detect flaws in the time line, little anachronisms that may not coincide with the period for which Bundy's exploits occurred. I was more interested in how Bright and Burke would portray the man, how far they'd be willing to go. I think they cover enough ground, and we see him in action. I love the scene, though, where Tiffany Shepis, as a potential victim, finds her way free from Bundy, quite a resilient young woman who wasn't about to be taken prisoner without a fight. Tom Savini has a cameo as a detective questioning Bundy. Lee(Boti Bliss), Bundy's frequent lover and possible future wife, and her unusual relationship with Ted is dealt on in depth;this is where we see Bundy slowly morphing sexually into the perverse beast he'd soon become. I think Bright was wise to shoot a lot of the movie when Bundy is on the road or around places where you can not easily detect errors in the period covered. Probably the hardest moments to watch are when he bashes girls over the head(..although, Bright often only shows Bundy swinging hard upon the victims who are off screen, which perhaps is also a more effective method instead of gratuitously exploiting the damage in detail).
lastliberal This is a very disturbing film. The rage that was in Ted Bundy (Michael Reilly Burke) was not easy to watch. I don't think they could have found anyone better than Burke to do the character. Smooth and easy to the ladies until he got them where he wanted and then he was maniacal in his treatment.He had a fetish for necrophilia, as he wanted his women almost dead as he raped them.His smooth manner even enabled him to keep the guards off guard after he was arrested facilitating an escape. He managed to escape twice before he had his date with Old Sparky. Even a plea to help solve all the murders he committed, would not save him.He was probably the worst serial killer in history. He was certainly a disgusting man.