At Middleton
At Middleton
R | 31 January 2014 (USA)
At Middleton Trailers

George is an uptight surgeon with a rebellious teenage son. Edith is a free spirit with an overachieving teenage daughter. When they meet during an admissions tour with their kids at the small, idyllic Middleton University, they decide to ditch the group. Though adversaries at first, they soon discover that the only thing better than the college tour, is the detour.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
SnoopyStyle George Hartman (Andy Garcia) and his son Conrad (Spencer Lofranco), and Edith Martin (Vera Farmiga) and her daughter Audrey (Taissa Farmiga) are among the parents kids tour of the Middleton College. George is stiff heart surgeon and Edith is a free spirit. They don't get along at first in the parking lot. Neither are not necessarily happy. They get along better and slip away from the tour. They spend the day together and open up about their married lives. The kids find themselves spending the day together too.It's a very light weight movie. Its simple easy comic touch gives it a few giggles. The problem is that it also keeps it from gaining any weight when the tough stuff starts happening. It's a light half-day tour which describes the movie too. There is nothing terribly wrong with this. The actors have a nice time together although it would have been nice for the Farmiga sisters to have more scenes together.
nowego For me it was not a surprise that I liked this right from the beginning. I was looking for films with Vera Farmiga and Taissa Farmiga after I got a surprise that they were sisters. When I found out Andy Garcia as in it as well there was no option but to find it and watch it.Unsurprising and happily I was not disappointed. Right from the start it hit the spot for some reason. Some might say it was a bit unrealistic, but for me it was just fun. It might be the romantic in me. It is noticeable that all the actors had a good time making this film and it was not surprising when I read that this was filmed over a very short time. The chemistry between Andy Garcia and Vera Farmiga was pretty close to perfect.Watch it if you get a chance you wont be disappointed.
saone8995 My favorite film of the year, and I have seen a lot. Oldboy was probably my 2nd favorite... Anyways, I will get back to this movie review now. It is such a beautiful film. Rarely do I feel this way about a movie, but when I do, I completely treasure it and it goes in my list of unforgettable films I shall never forget. I will always remember this one. Thank you everyone whom was involved in this beautifully magnificent motion picture of the year. Vera, you sweet thing you, you are a remarkable actress. The cast was absolutely perfect for this movie. I absolutely loved the fact that taissa and vera played mother and daughter in here. (In case of whoever did not know, vera and taissa are actually sisters) What a treat.
leonblackwood Review: I didn't really find this movie realistic or even that funny, but it is quite a sweet love story between the 2 main characters. The whole film is set around a visiting day at a school which is were Garcia and Farmiga meet for the first time, and they end up wandering off, doing there own thing. It wasn't exactly what I as expecting from the movie, but it's light hearted fun which does tickle the heart strings. It ends pretty abruptly which was a dramatic change of tempo from the rest of the movie, which I think the director was trying to accomplish. In the end of the day, it's fun for the whole family, especially parents that have kids that are living them for further education. Watchable!Round-Up: I was really expecting a lot from Andy Garcia, but his latter years haven't been good to him in the movie world. From his earlier movies like the Godfather III and the Untouchables, he was the talk of the town at one point, but know he's lucky to be in a big Blockbuster. After playing those serious roles, it's hard to watch him make a fool of himself in this movie, but I'm sure that it won't hurt his portfolio. Vera Farmiga seems to act the same in all of her movies, so she was a great choice for this role. The movie wasn't really what I was hoping for, but it's good to see Garcia back on the big screen.Budget: $2.5million Worldwide Gross: $50,000 (Terrible!)I recommend this movie to people who are into there movies about a dad and mother who take there kids on a open day at college. 4/10