R | 09 September 2008 (USA)
Gigantic Trailers

Young mattress salesman Brian decides to adopt a baby from China but is distracted when he forms a relationship with quirky, wealthy Harriet whom he meets at his mattress store. As their relationship flourishes, unbeknownst to them, a hitman is trying to kill Brian.

TinsHeadline Touches You
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
paulccarroll3 I saw this film for the first time,and two nights later I woke with the memory of the answer to the mystery behind the Homeless mans' attacks.In the film Brian was said to be 15 years younger than his brothers, that He was a child that was born late in his parents marriage. After killing the homeless attacking man Brian turns to the two witnesses,as he's holding a bloody knife in his hand,and says,as they're backing away,that this has been going on a long time,or words to that effect.In my dream it became clear that the homeless man was a bastard son,who was never recognized by Brians'father, who then watched Brian be raised in his place. His attacks are from hatred and jealousy. Brian ironically wants to bring new blood into the family by adopting an baby. Of course, none of this was in the film,but neither was any other explanation,so it's just as valid as a possible suggested solution.As to the point of why Happy was so upset by Brains adopting a child,I saw this as a feeble attempt to keep to the standard boy meets girl, boy loses girl,boy wins girl back, rom/com plotting, and I didn't buy it for a minute. This isn't a great film but it's pleasant and interesting enough to watch once every few years or so.
Harperian I am in to quirky comedies, but this one is beyond lame. I love Zooey, but it was painful watching her and Paul Dano play their typical personalities in this wannabe symbolic bullsh!t quirky comedy. I was very disappointed and found myself washing dishes and smoking a cigarette while my girlfriend hung in there. Zooey's quirky personality is played out in this movie, and Paul Dano is a horrible casting role for the protagonist, if you can call him that. I hate to sound so down on a risky film, because I appreciate them going outside the box, but this is so beyond pandering to the indie crowd it makes me sick. I can give it a four out of ten being completely honest. There are some smart parts in this movie, but that's not enough to save it from a sorry plot and poor casting.
samkan A film can be a well intentioned disaster. A true turkey may still exude sincerity. Hard work and serious thought can be evident despite descent into a cinematic mess. A movie can be terrible without me taking it personally. But I can count on one hand the number of films that I have seen that did not have any right to be made. GIGANTIC is one of them.If glib means showing little forethought or preparation, lacking depth and substance, being superficial; if pretension is making unjustified or excessive claims of value or standing; if facetious means jesting in a clumsy or inappropriate manner, then GIGANTIC's poster should appear next to the dictionary entries for each such word.Misters Nagata and Aselton appear to believe that every idea they have is clever and that throwing together a few dozen such ideas, be they subplots, humor vehicles or inane bits of dialog, is homework enough. The two share the delusion their audience is embracing their work with subtle understanding. They mistake confusion as nuance or ambiguity. Just what was it that suggested to Adam and Matt that, in this instance, they had the material and ingenuity enough to create something remotely approaching a feature length film? Dano still manages to shine. Goodman and Asner are still funny. Deschanel cannot act. Never could. After over a hundred IMDb User Comments I've only seen fit to enter two or three as scathing as this one and I get trashed every time. Could not stop myself. GIGANTIC compels me so.
RangerDaleXp I am going to keep this short because there is not much to say about this movie. This movie Is like taking sleeping pills. It is the most boring and incomplete movie I can ever remember. Do not waist your money on this movie because you will feel like you have been robbed.As for Zooey Deschanel. I think she is a great up and coming actress and she did not need to be affiliated with movie like this, She is just too good for this movie and that goes the same with some of the other actors that played in it as well. I really hope she will get the chance to play much better roles in much better movies in the future. She was first rate in Yes Man and she can do much better if given the chance....