R | 05 October 2012 (USA)
Butter Trailers

An adopted girl discovers her talent for butter carving and finds herself pitted against an ambitious local woman in their Iowa town's annual contest.

Sarentrol Masterful Cinema
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
EmmP430 Had to turn it off after 20 minutes. I am not a Bible-beater from middle America, but as an educated, career-driven, intelligent woman who happens to have light skin, I found this whole movie racist and offensive to Caucasians and/or conservatives. The African American girl uses racist terms describing all the white people who take her in and try to be nice. Jennifer Garner's character is an uppity conservative stereo-type and calls a group of people with Down Syndrome "you people". Really tired of Hollywood overall, but this movie was one of the worst.
jlroodt I really wouldn't rate any film 1 out of 10 very lightly. But this film is so unconvincing and superficial, that I could not do otherwise.For example, why does Bob go to a strip club? It seems completely impulsive and contrary to the history of his character depicted in great details just minutes before.Then there seems to be no coherency in Laura's character either. What was the cause of the marital problems - she seemed happy enough to have stuck it out for 15 years, so why now suddenly does she go back 360 degrees?What is the role of the stripper, apart from insisting on $600? She is not a catalyst for anything, and she does not add anything to the eventual outcome of the movie.I would like to think that an actor like Hugh Jackman is rather embarrassed about his role in the film, albeit with some real comic sense.These are just examples of the unconvincing characters and story line. The one compelling performance is by Yara Shahidi, but whose role is somehow diminished by racial jokes which seem completely out of context.Please stay clear of this one...
kosmasp I'm not exactly a fan of butter. The actual one, you can eat (fry or sculpture or whatever else might come to mind). But the movie I watched was really funny. I didn't expect it to be so good. Of course it does have clichés and you know where this is going without me having to tell you, but the way it takes to reach its goal is really noteworthy! Especially the fact that it goes all out and got an "R"-rating in America! All that with a kid in a main role.But what a kid! She is really good and I defy anyone not seeing her talent (also apparent in the blooper reel that is included on the disc). It doesn't stop there though: You have Olivia Wilde (who makes good on her last name), Jennifer Garner really going for it. Especially when it comes to combining a sexual encounter with light humor (not the only scene that handles that combination though). If you can dig that ... eat it
Gordon-11 This film is about an ambitious woman trying to carry on her husband's butter sculpting legacy.I found the topic of butter sculpting rather unusual, and therefore intriguing. the plot itself was a nice surprise, it's fast paced in the sense that the first competition already finished aid thirty minutes into the film. Destiny is a captivating character, her transformation and her ability to view life in such a positive way is remarkable. the stripper subplot is interesting as well and she has a memorably rebellious character. I found the film quite inspirational, even though the ending is a little contrived, as Jennifer Garner didn't question what happened in the competition.