The Buttercream Gang
The Buttercream Gang
| 25 January 1992 (USA)
The Buttercream Gang Trailers

Unlike most gangs, the ButterCream gang does good deeds. Their leader, Pete, has to go live with his aunt in Chicago. But things don't go well in Chicago and Pete is changed when he returns. Soon Pete is hanging around with the wrong crowd. But the remaining members of the gang, especially their new leader Scott, refuse to give up on their friend Pete.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
nice_nice_jedi Ah, the Buttercream Gang! Where do I begin? Is it the truly gripping plot, the heart wrenching performances, or perhaps the life changing soundtrack that makes this movie a real winner. I must admit this movie makes me cry every time i see it. The fact that Pete Turner would leave his group of sweet, inspiring friends to become a gangsta, just gets me right in the heart. watch out, might not want to let the kids see this one. pete's gang pulls kids off the see saw, spray paints a smiley face on a building, and steals fruit pies. the outfits were a little extreme too. when it comes to true gangsta clothes, this movie hit a little too close to the mark. kids, shield your eyes. Michael weatherred gives a tortured performance as pete turner, especially the classic grocery store scene, where he utters the immortal line, "Because I hate myself!" Marlon Brando better watch his back. And as for Jason Johnson, the hottie who plays good boy Scott Carpenter, well, lets just say there's gonna be a new set of handprints in front of the Grauman's Chinese theater. Trust me on this, you won't want to miss this movie milesone.
Chance Macdonald I also received this movie in the mail as a kid and did like it. I came to this site to prove a point to people because these kids in my home town recently decided to start their own "gang" call "The Butter Creamers" i almost died laughing when i heard this. They think its cool and I tried to explain to them how that name is already taken by a hallmark film from my childhood so here i am.My favorite scene was when the old woman fell down and needed help. It reminded me on the "Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!" Life Alert commercials.Enjoy the film!
M P Oh God where to begin, You ever hear about one of those movies/books/shows/etc. that is so nice and cuddly that people cant stand it ? This is one of them. This is, w/o a doubt, one of the worst movies i have had the undignified honor of viewing, and boy, it was a piece of...well..s#!t doesn't even give you an idea. it starts with main characters, who are so repulsively nice (to the point where it will make you question the sanity of the person who directed this abomination) that they made a gang (4 people = a gang ?) that does nice things. And all with Christian undertones that are as subtle as a blue whale being dropped on your house. One of the 4 leaves and goes to Chicago, becomes bad, comes back, wrong crowd stuff...wait...i get it this is supposed to convey a point, and NOT make the people watching it vomit. Look, I'll put it bluntly, its like an after school special that tells you what 45 % of the other ones do, be nice, hang out with the right crowd, blah blah blah, its not different, its not "cool", its not nice and happy but serious, its like the town they live in is perfect, thats it. Only 3 or 4 real "trouble-makers" (probably just egged a house, or stayed up past curfew) it has no meaning, and when i saw it, i was part of its target group, that was 2.5 years ago, thats how bad the suckiness of this movie stuck in my head. If your a die-hard Christian, even this is to much for you and your kids will be traumatized by the sickeningly overjoyed atmosphere of this tiny town which also evidently doesn't have any sort of Police Department, just the gang itself.1 out of 10 AVOID AT ALL COSTS, DO NOT LET ANYONE TALK YOU INTO SEEING THIS IT'S JUST TO BAD, TO UNLIKELY, AND MOST OF WHATS THERE WANTS TO BE LIKE REAL LIFE, BUT ISN'T
merkinball24 One of the great masterpieces of our time, the buttercream gang takes a subtle approach to such important issues as the aryan nation, homo eroticism between childhood friends, and cheese. Younger viewers may not pick up on these themes and appreciate the movie as its makers intended- a commentary on how ideal our world would be if we all were fundamentalist conservative christians. Some concerned parents will object to the risqué dancing scene, and secular music, but this is where the film finds its "edge." The riveting story of pete, scott, lenny and eldon will have every viewer at the edge of their seat. Will the widow jenkins fall down again? will another flower bed fall victim to the harrowing actions of pete and his gang of troublemaker?? smiley face graffiti and broken bottles?? (you may want to cover the young ones eyes, these parts get pretty intense.) The climax of pete beating the p*ss out of canned goods is a moment in film history. So, strap on to this emotional roller-coaster if you dare, its worth the ride!