PG-13 | 25 December 1996 (USA)
Hamlet Trailers

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother now marrying the murderer... his uncle. Meanwhile, war is brewing.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
charlesputman The Shakespearean tragedy, "Hamlet", written by William Shakespeare and adapted by Kenneth Branagh was quite an interesting movie. Hamlet must get revenge for his father who appears to him as a ghost. Hamlet must go through many struggles in order to fulfill this task. The film delves into the question the Shakespeare incorporated into the play. That question is the meaning of life. It makes you really think about the topic just like Hamlet did. With all this being said, I am glad to say that it stayed quite true to the actual text. The film also did a great job keeping my attention the whole way through; which, is an amazing feat with how the long the movie plays on for. A few gripes that I do have are that some parts of the movie seemed rushed and did not last as long as in the book. This also applies for the opposite. Some scenes played on for a long time while in the text it lasted for a less amount of time. The last complaint that I have is that the ending was a little to dramatized. It was already dramatic in the text, but in the movie they made it a little to dramatic with the fight scene. Overall, I think that this movie is a must watch and that it is a great movie.
owenwatson In the play/movie, "Hamlet" by the great William Shakespeare, Hamlet goes through a tremendous amount of pain throughout his entire life. In the exciting thriller, Hamlet's father has died. As Hamlet is grieving his fathers death, he sees a ghost. The ghost turns out to be his dead father. Hamlet then finds out that his father had been killed by his Uncle Claudius who had just became the king and married his mother. Hamlet knows that his father has died, and he wants to seek revenge. Hamlet deals with many different obstacles such as the star crossed lovers of Hamlet and Ophelia, Hamlet having to deal with his mother marrying Claudius, and everyone getting in the way of him seeking revenge. Does Hamlet get revenge on the killer of his father, or does he not accomplish his mission? Watch the movie to find out. The message that William Shakespeare provides is that everybody can be sinners at times, and if you sin a little to much, then bad things may happen to you. The intended audience of this play and movie is anyone who likes to watch a little supsense not knowing what is going to happen next. It is also for people who have a long attention span because the movie ranges over a little four hours. Something that I truly like about the movie is although the plot can get boring, it is just adding up, and the climax is very suspenseful. What I don't like about the movie is the way that they talk. This follows all of Shakespeare's texts because of the way that they talk. I reccomend that adults watch the play because it has a good background story, but kids should not because it is not appropriate. A part that I really liked is when Hamlet tried attacking Claudius. In all, if you wan't a story where suspense constantly builds up, and where nobody can trust anyone, then this is the movie.for you!
kennedyrose Hamlet, directed and starring Kenneth Branagh, is the movie adaptation of the Shakespeare play by the same name. Hamlet is the story of young Hamlet, whose sanity is spinning out of control as he attempts to seek revenge for his murdered father. This movie is near identical to the inspiration that it steamed from; however, Branagh makes bold choices as the director that make the movie more interesting for those who haven't read the play itself. Depending on your opinion of the play, this could or could not bother you. While there are some pacing issues, overall this film is a great adaptation of Shakespeare's work. If you're a fan of Shakespeare I would put this movie on your must watch list!
morganmarrs-46106 Hamlet is a tragedy written by Shakespeare, and is directed by Kenneth Branagh. Hamlet is a shakespearean tragedy about a son whose father was killed and struggles throughout the whole story to overcome the tragedy. His father visits him as a ghost several times, however no one else can see him. Before he can officially overcome the death he brings it to life to show others what has actually happened. This will definitely take you on an emotional rollercoaster. I gave this an 8 out of 10 star rating, because although the play and book come together there's no purpose. The ending ruins the whole story line.