NR | 16 March 2012 (USA)
Detachment Trailers

A chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of substitute teacher, Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
goatbillhicks-07272 Excellent performances all round. Great cast. Interesting subject matter. However, it feels like the film is designed for the people holding the purse strings in the education system. "More funding please" Unlike the many similar 'teacher tries to save a group of wayward kids' films. This is squarely from the teacher's point of view, particularly Adrien Brody's character, following his daily struggles inside and outside school life. At times it is slow, focuses on the bleak and apparently unwinnable battle the teachers face. And is no more positive in it's hopes for the future of the students. All of this is quite deliberate but tiring. At times the plinky plonky sad piano and slow motion is a little over the top. I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. I admire it's attempt more than it's execution. 6.7 stars.
dimitriscisse First of all, you want to know if this movie was enjoyable and watchable movie . In whole, we see the efforts of a substitute teacher to try to manipulate the manners of unethical kids . I don't know if the situation that is shown in this movie responds to the reality but if it does then it goes without saying ''God bless America''. Because this lifestyle is starting to adopted in my country, Greece . Kids must not only assault the teacher but also offend him. Mr Barthes is very decisive and knows how to react in these situations. Adrion Brody acts like he was being a teacher for several years.As it mentioned before , we see the efforts of Mr Barthes trying to help and at the same time teach his classroom. So he helps a raped slut that is very young and takes him to his house in order to take her after. Mr Barthes is firstly an altruist and not a conservative teacher who doesn't care about his class. Furthermore he helps Meredith who is a victim of offensive language from their students because of her beauty.Suddenly we see the difficult job of a teacher. These two, Meredith and the whore are sticking in Mr Barthes life without worrying about the future but only for the present. ''What should I do later?'', ''Is Mr Barthes keep me in her house forever?'' , ''I believe that Mr Barthes loves me''. These are the thoughts of frustrated personalities that they don't have anyone in their life to encourage them . All they need is some moral support and someone just to listen them.Nowdays everyone is very stressed and they don't spend time with their children. For many they don't even care about their future . They are just ''mouths to need to be fed''. I see the prejudices and the doublethink'' To be nice I must be thin''.'' To attract girls I must be working out'' ( I don't know that girls thinking sorry ) . Is this what is called sense of life? Of course not. The sense of life is determined by the choices you do. If you do the right choices you will be happy , if not you will be sad. And that is expressing clearly on the dialogue of Dr Doris Parker with one student whose dream is to play in a band after graduating and doesn't even care about school .The resolution to this is that teachers and only teacher considering that the most parents don't really care must lead students ''seize the day''. The fact that they are school is itself remarkable considering that in another countries they don't have teachers . An uneducated person ,these days , is a thing that is being used from everyone . And the worst is that he cant really react to the mistreatment who is living because when he had the chance to learn things he reacted to his teachers when the teachers , the good teachers, are the only one that they care about the future of the new generations.
fabian_urfer this is one of the best movies i've seen in the last couple of years. great cast of course. but what i genuinely love about it is the raw approach to life. to be a teacher. to the fact that parents aren't real parents anymore. teachers are meant to be lifesavers, geniuses, miracle one point adrian states that parents should be tested if they're fit to become parents. reminds me of a fascist regime. but de facto he's cut to the chase: it's really a movie about the depressing truth in nowadays society. but i'm given a choice here. do i resign? or do i fight for the ones who deserve the chance to be fought for. i choose the latter.
Briana Nguyen This slice-of-life film revolves around a high school substitute who is just getting by, helping the lone, needy souls around him. I can tell you I've watched this movie about 3 times and I can't seem to tire of it. There was one scene in the movie that I won't ever forget. It was the suicide scene of the depressed girl who made cupcakes. Everything in that scene was so pitiful, in a good way. The white frosted smiley faces on the cupcakes, the gentle sadness expressed by the girl, and the sympathetic look Brody shot her got me teared up. Anytime I am acting on stage, thinking of this scene in particular helps me with my fake cry, haha. The theme may seem melodramatic. However, the visual symbolism and multiple uses of showing shots through taken pictures sets the mood as real and artful. Great movie for all teachers everywhere, especially those who are just starting off. Cheers!