Gangsta Granny
Gangsta Granny
| 26 December 2013 (USA)
Gangsta Granny Trailers

A young boy is bored spending time with his dull grandma until he discovers she's an international Jewel thief.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
kyleairey A young boy who finds his Gran boring, but she has a big surprise! She's an international jewel thief!Such a fantastic film with a good message: "Enjoy your family while they last".
studioAT Adapting David Walliams books over Christmas has become a bit of a BBC tradition in recent years, and this was the second attempt.While not as good as 'Mr Stink' this is a warm hearted and funny piece of entertainment for all the family, that features some big name stars embracing the fun.It doesn't lag in terms of pace and has the necessary sadness that underpin the humour that 'The Boy in the Dress' which followed a year later lacked.The star stealing turn for me was from Miranda Hart, who manages to earn a laugh from practically all of her lines. Well done to all involved.
loveagoodstory A young boy goes to stay with his granny every Friday night while his parents go out ballroom dancing. Though bored at the prospect, he soon finds out that she is really an international jewel thief with a string of successful robberies behind her...except for The Big One.This is aimed squarely at children but is just as enjoyable for adults too, doing so without filling it with 'over their heads' lines as beloved of digital cartoons and that takes warmth away. The cast of well-known actors and acting comedians play it well and avoid being there as 'celebs' or 'star turns'. Miranda Hart is particularly impressive, playing a character far away from her previous styles. All in all, a strong story and cracking fun.
Prismark10 Another David Walliams book adapted for TV and showcases Julia McKenzie as a cabbage obsessed grandmother who also masquerades as an international jewel thief.Her grandson Ben despairs of being sent to his dull grandmother's house every Friday night by his parents (played David Walliams and Miranda Hart) who go ballroom dancing. However Ben soon realises that his grandmother has hidden talents beyond cabbage soup and soon hatches a plan to steal the Crown Jewels whilst evading nosey neighbour played by Rob Brydon.Its a film that will be a hit with the kids although adults would be nonplussed until Joanna Lumley appears as the Queen and starts dancing.Its a touching tale about bonding with the elderly but really expected something more involving. Walliams and Hart who provide able support but not enough laughs with their strictly dancing carry on.Look out for Robbie Williams as Latino dancer Flavio although he probably should regret getting all those tattoos as it hinders an acting career.