Pardon My Sarong
Pardon My Sarong
| 07 August 1942 (USA)
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A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SimonJack This is another of the early Bud Abbott and Lou Costello movies that began just before World War II. Even after the films with armed services settings, the Abbott and Costello films continued for a while to include some music and dance performances. "Pardon My Sarong" features The Ink Spots (sometimes known as The Four Ink Spots) singing, and some very fancy and entertaining tap dancing by a trio that went by the name of Tip, Tap and Toe. Those talented African-American dancers had marvelous routines. Each danced with an emphasis that his name indicated. Samuel Green was the tip, Ted Fraser was the tap and Ray Winfield was the toe. Winfield was particularly entertaining as he introduced sliding actions that made it look as though he was moving on butter or oil. Much smoother, even, than moonwalking that came along in the 1980s. The trio had performed for years in vaudeville and would dance in five films in all. Bud and Lou play Algy Shaw and Wellington Pflug, respectively. How they came up with some of their names in films is anyone's guess. Even that add some humor to their films. Unlike all their films before this, the boys are the center of the plot here. They have more antics that must have involved considerably more trick camera work and some special effects. The supporting cast for their romp across the screen includes Virginia Bruce as Joan and Robert Paige as Tommy. They are a token romantic interest, of sorts. But supporting actors William Demarest and Leif Erickson are more a part of the hijinks and hilarity of the comedy duo. A couple of the very funny scenes are the biggest stinker on the island; the familiar switching cups of a drugged drink; and Bud and Lou in an artillery relay sequence shooting huge coconuts at the bad guys with a big slingshot atop the palm trees. This all makes for good fun and a movie the whole family can enjoy. Some reviewers think it's the best of the A&C films, but I think two or three are much funnier. With the number of antics here, the movie appears choppy at times.
www1125 I found this to be one of Bud and Lou's best films. This film has several settings, from a bus, a gas station, a nightclub, a theater, a pier, a boat in the middle of the ocean, an island, a temple inside a volcano, a dangerous jungle in the middle of the island, and finally a runaway boat. Abbott and Costello, still in their prime, have some really good moments in this one, including the two of them posing as a magician in order to escape from a detective.Also on hand is horror star Lionel Atwill, who plays his usual villainous role straight in contrast to Bud and Lou's antics. The Temple/Jungle chase scene is a real highlight, and the final battle between Lou and Atwill is very well done, and finishes nicely. Above average A&C film!
gridoon Probably not one of Abbott and Costello's shining moments. It's funny in spots ("Go ahead, back up"), but it lacks comic momentum. 5 musical numbers are simply too many for an 80-minute comedy. The numbers are interesting in their own right, but not well-integrated into the story, and not as catchy as some of those in another A & C film of the same period, "In The Navy". And although I have absolutely nothing against Black & White films, the tropical island setting of this one might have benefited from being shot in luscious Technicolor. On the plus side, the special effects are very impressive for their age, and as Luana, the island tribe chief's daughter, Nan Wynn is a dazzling exotic beauty - without exaggeration, one of the most beautiful women I have EVER seen. (**1/2)
Spondonman I've seen Pardon My Sarong over 10 times now and have to consider it one of Bud & Lou's best films, up there with Ride 'em cowboy, Meets Frankenstein, Hold that ghost etc. PMS is more distinctly episodic than most of their others and would present a Plot Coherency Issue with impatient first-comers, but if got through a sparkling atmospheric musical comedy lies within. The early '40's Universal Harmless Escapist Entertainment atmosphere helps a lot though, this must have been made straight after Hellzapoppin - wasn't that front porch outside the maggickan's cabaret show where Hugh Herbert's Eat At Joe's dickie blew up?The boys are illicitly taking Robert Paige's entertainment troupe from Chicago to LA in a bus - all those women in tow and he falls for one who is out to nobble him. Tip, Tap & Toe provide some amazing dance scenes (not quite a rhythmic brainstorm though), alongside the lilting Ink Spots. Detective William Demarest briefly tries to stop them but gives up the chase when they and the plot veer toward a South Seas island. Here "Lovely Luana" & "Vingo Jingo" are put over by a gorgeous Nan Wynn, while Leif Erickson plays a stinker and Lionel Atwill as usual plays a baddie because he was one.There's plenty of nicely contrived snappy routines for us aficionados: The old baseball story; Hiding from Demarest; "Back up! Go ahead!"; Sharing a pea for dinner etc. Not a lot for non-fans however - I think a better introduction to A&C for anyone interested would be Meets Frankenstein or maybe Time of their lives. And this one is definitely best watched sober!
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