The Boy in the Plastic Bubble
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble
PG | 12 November 1976 (USA)
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble Trailers

Tod Lubitch is born with a deficient immune system. As such, he must spend the rest of his life in a completely sterile environment. His room is completely hermetically sealed against bacteria and virus, his food is specially prepared, and his only human contact comes in the form of gloved hands. The movie follows his life into a teenager.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
ShelbyTMItchell John Travolta before his Saturday Night Fever and Grease fame, really got to show his acting shops. As a teenager born with a rare immune system. And that he can't even go outside the world. And has to live it in a plastic bubble.As he grows up, he wants to go outside the world. And wants to see it beyond his bubble. But that is hard to do. Due to his rare disease he has. And the overprotection of his parents, played by the late Diana Hyland and the late Robert Reed.He falls in love with pretty Glynnis O Connor who is cruel to him at first due to his condition. But then, after what happened at the beach changes her attitude on him.He must decide either to follow his heart and love meaning impending death. Or stay in a bubble for his health and protection.Travolta was in love with Hyland eighteen years his senior and would later die of breast cancer. He dedicated his Emmy Award to her. Touching and great TV movie!
marqymarqy I last saw this film on TV around 1980 - I think it was shown to cash in on Travolta's success in Saturday Night Fever and Grease - to the best of my knowledge it hasn't been shown since. I was surprised and pleased to find it readily available to buy on DVD (and VHS),and although the picture quality is poor compared to modern standards it's worth every penny of the 1.77 GBP I paid for my copy. It looks like a video tape that's been copied three or four times - or could it be the film maker's use of humour ? - Robert Reed (the Brady Bunch; Rich Man Poor Man; Scruples) as Travolta's dad begins the film looking as though suffering from a severe case of sunburn; two thirds in John tells him he's looking pale and needs to get some sun. Reed returns from his holiday looking as if he's done a shift in a flour factory. Travolta plays a lad with no inbuilt immunities and has to live in the plastic bubble of the title. He is soon attracted to the pretty girl next door (Glynis O'Connor)and it is she who literally and figuratively brings him out of his shell. Travolta claims he doesn't smell even though he can't wash, and how lavatory hygiene is managed is not dealt with satisfactorily. This is an old fashioned feel good movie suitable for anyone who likes John Travolta or doesn't mind a large dose of sentimentality. Travolta covered Paul Williams' end theme song What Would They Say on his 1977 album - subsequently re-issued including two of his songs from Grease to cash in on his success. Recommended - but don't pay more than a few quid.
hello94960 1. I truly believe if this is Travolta's best movie.2. Glynnis O'Conner never got the respect she earned.3. Plus--she was Adorable.4. If Twentieth Century Fox could send the Master to Lucas and one of his Yodas' cleaned up the film technically-- people would pay 10 bucks to see it.5. It a shame the celluloid degraded. It almost aged like the actors?6. If anyone know who owns the master, please email me.7. I know a non-profit in San Francisco archived the movie, but it's the same horrid quality.8. A film like this should have been preserved.9. I hope someone is preventing this careless destruction of old movies?10. Maybe the actors have a better copy?11. I saw the original as a kid, and it was crystal clear; I think?
m92603 I thought this movie was very good. You must consider that it was made in 1976 and also made for TV. Therefore it is not going to look like the movies we are used to seeing. I feel that it told the story very well. The movie IS based on a true story. It is not a made-up story of Hollywood, like a lot of people think. The only thing I did not like about the movie was the fact that they didn't take the story to the end. The movie leaves you hanging with questions. I feel that it did a good job conveying the emotions that Todd had. The camera positions in some shots really helped the viewer understand Todd's life and struggle. I would recommend this movie to all especially those who like movies based on true stories.