The Perfect Guy
The Perfect Guy
PG-13 | 11 September 2015 (USA)
The Perfect Guy Trailers

With a fulfilling career and a loving relationship, lobbyist Leah Vaughn seems to have it all. Things come crashing down when Dave, her long-term boyfriend, disagrees with her future plans for marriage and a family. The resulting painful breakup leaves Leah heartbroken, until she meets the charming and handsome Carter Duncan. Soon, the budding romance turns dangerous as Carter reveals his volatile nature, forcing Leah to break up with the man she thought was Mr. Right. She soon realizes that Carter doesn't want to let her go.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael Ledo Lea (Sanaa Lathan) has the prefect boyfriend (Morris Chestnut) except he doesn't want kids. She meets another perfect man Carter (Michael Ealy) who drinks the same coffee as she does. She dumps one for the other and soon discovers Carter has some anger management issues and doesn't take rejection that well. This then turns itself into a mediocre stalker film adding nothing new to the genre.The film starts off really slow and takes awhile to get to the meat of the film. They could have shown some negative background on Carter to hold our interest, but that would eliminate the surprise plot spoiler element they put into every trailer anyway.Guide: No nudity. Minor sex scene. 1 F-bomb near end.
Lola A The movie is quit disappointing and shallow even though it has a story line that keeps you interested. What I want to point out is the hypocrisy in this movie when it comes to expressing violence. When Carter expresses violence towards the men at the gas station he becomes a red flag (very reasonably) for Leah but when Dave expresses violence towards Carter in the restaurant (regardless of being not so intense as Carter's since violence is violence) all he gets is admiration from Leah. How come he does not become a red flag for being violent? Life Lessons: not much to take with the exception perhaps that sometimes you have to take things on your own matter and be brave. But again this is very poorly and superficially presented. Dealing with serious crimes such as stalking, breaking in and murder and getting away with that so easily is just not realistic. Another lesson perhaps is that perfect does not exist and people should not be trusted so easily because they are usually not what they say they are. Character analysis: extremely poor job done in the main character development. We never get to know more about Carter and his reasoning just that he was abandoned and was bipolar. What what else? There a lot of children raised in foster houses that turn out to be very successful and respected members of society, so this alone is not enough to explain his unreasonable behaviour.
Magdizzle While the actors are great, the script is so bad it turns them into B- grade actors. I feel bad for them since I know they can act well. This is like the time Natalie Portman did Star Wars. Shes a great actor but the script was so bad her acting turned wooden. If they made the lines less lame and predictable, this may be just barely watchable.I cringed a lot. But I watched the whole thing hoping it would get better. It doesn't. It's like watching a bad teen novel-turned-movie.I'm embarrassed for this movie.
tochukwu-83206 This is not the kind of film I would advise someone to see. It is so clichéd and not ashamed about it. Ever been in that scenario where you spy on another student's work during exams without the necessary adjustments: changing of name and maybe perhaps reshuffling the sentences while adding some self generated ideas to make the script look and feel different? The Perfect Guy doesn't do that or even make attempts to. No surprise at all since it was distributed by Screen Gems: a Sony subsidiary. The fact that Screen Gems provides an avenue for black actors and actresses to remind us that they are still around is welcome, but making the same film twice with minor differences is just retarded. If you want to know what I mean, then try watching (Obsessed), (The Boy Next Door), (Fatal Attraction) and many more stalker-based films out there and then come tell me the difference. There is, I won't pretend about that. But it is quite hard to shake of the feeling that they should have been more created. All in all, The Perfect Guy is a recycled flick that fades away with the passing of the wind.The marriage/family desire of women plays a major role into why Leah breaks up with boyfriend Dave. And maybe why she rushes into a relationship with Carter-----foolishly, passion takes over and she fails to confirm if he has the same ambitions as her. She might be an uber-successful woman, but she is on the rebound. That was the character I saw. No doubt, Sana and Michael have chemistry, but the effort in setting up their characters towards the romantic fare is weak. Not only that, those parts where she discovers Carter possessiveness and quickly rushes back into Dave arms highlights how an independent booming career woman who might be constantly faced with weighing the consequence decisions at work is needy, romantically. The main character development is confusing. Her weaknesses are more than her strengths even though more time is spent putting those strengths to use. Simply put, she is a desperate needy woman who is on the rebound. The only positive take away is Michael Ealy's charming psychotic performance, but then that is muddled up by the triteness of the film. Morris Chestnut isn't given much to do except to come on screen and play the loving boyfriend/ partner, but then I can give you a list of films in which he has played this same role: (The Best Man Holiday)and (Not Easily Broken)-perfect typecasting! My advice still stands, but if you insist- don't say I didn't warn you.