NR | 23 November 2012 (USA)
Imaginaerum Trailers

Imaginaerum tells the story of an elderly composer, Tom, who suffers from severe dementia. As he has had the disease for years and has regressed into childhood, he remembers practically nothing from his adult life. His music, friends, all his past including the memory of his daughter are a blur in his fragile mind. All he has left is the imagination of a ten year old boy. As he drifts away into coma, it seems impossible to get back what he has lost. Or is it?

Alicia I love this movie so much
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
lindarctica I see a lot of nay-sayers in the review section. Bear in mind: this movie was not made by hollywood, so don't expect one. It's the work-of-passion by a brillaint band, lead by the brilliant mind of Toumas Holopainen. With the small budget, time and space they had making this movie, I say they did one hell of a job.No, the characters aren't ''deep'' and the acting isn't oscar winning either, but if you are gonna whine about that you are missing the point of this movie,. Nightwish - great band as they are - tried to deliver a powerful message using creative imagery and delving into a realm of fantasy movie making that this world seriously lacks and needs more of! And they nailed it!The premisse is simple: A man called Thomas falls into coma after battling dementia for several years, and surpressed feelings about his neglecting father emerge, as well as feelings for the daugther who he as forgotten. Thing is: daughter left daddy to forget her all the same. (a topical subject that needs attention as it is). All of this comes to life in a very imaginitive, creativily outstanding dreamworld, that he uses to regain his memory and make amends with all that he has lost and forgotten in life. Laced in between is the -almost biographic, considering the sate of Nightwish themselves at the time - story of the band that fell apart, leaving scars in Thomas' mind. One would even think this movie is a portrayal of the personal fears of Tuomas Holopainen himself for that matter, considering the depression he fought with in the aftermath of all the bands turmoil over the years. I can say a lot more about it, but it comes down to this: forget for a moment that this was made by a band as an ''extended music video'' (it isn't, this IS a full, stand alone movie). and see them as suppliers of the wonderfull soundtrack supporting this heartwarming tale. Almost certain that people who even never heard of Nightwish but do appreciate an honest, small and endearing fantasy movie will enjoy this. In any case; go watch it!
Yoana Georgieva Well, in a few words - I didn't expect such a beautiful work. That's a movie with lots of layers and it takes a few listens to Nightwish's album - Imaginaerum as well, to see what Tuomas is trying to say. It's a masterpiece. Surely, there are a few things which could've been made differently and better, but nonetheless the result is breathtaking. It deserves more than 6.2 stars. I waited for this movie 2 years, which is a lot for a 14 year old girl (at the time I learned that there will be a movie by Nightwish). Now, 3 years later, I am thankful for the wait, because I grew and was able to understand the layers, the concept, the ideas, the meaning of everything. And I am speechless.
siderite I had expected a drawn out music video - after all, it was a movie created by a music band. Instead, it was a full feature film about a demented old man trying to hold on to the good memories of his life before he dies and an estranged daughter that needs to reconcile with him. The motifs in the film are interesting, psychologically, but other than that, there is not much happening. Also, musically it has the soundtrack from Nightwish and a couple of actual songs with the band playing, but nothing spectacular, either.In a way it is a Finnish version of What Dreams May Come, but not that good and smaller in scope. The theme is dark and cold (Finland, eh?) and the beautiful visuals are contrasting starkly with the ominous mood. Anette Olzon singing weird songs while clowns are harassing the child version of the old man doesn't help either :)I find it difficult to find a simple bottom line for this film, indicating that it has an original quality that puts it apart from other films. I can recommend it on that point alone. However it also fails by having not enough of I had expected from it. The music is good, but it could have been more prominent, having a larger role in the film and the plot. The imagination of the man cursed with dementia leads to wonderful visuals, but they are too passive, with the inner child merely a passenger rather than an actor. And removing those two elements leaves you with a skeleton of a film that doesn't shine neither through scripting nor good acting.So my bottom line has to be that I liked the film, but I felt it missed its point by a small margin. Great potential, barely good implementation.
Arie Platkov It's achilles heel is that this movie is so unknown that I first encountered this film was by mistake, while i was just searching new 2013 trailers. this movie is definitely overcomes most of the movies from the years 2012\2013!This film is one of the most interesting films i've ever seen.The plot is really unexpected but if you pay enough attention for details you'll realize how the entire plot and all characters are fitted together despite that the scenes are pretty much scattered and not realistic. but it's how the people's imagination works, especially if a person has a Dementia.I'll definitely highly recommend my friend to watch it!I salute for the makes of the movie and who came up with the story.