The Neon Demon
The Neon Demon
R | 14 June 2016 (USA)
The Neon Demon Trailers

When aspiring model Jesse moves to Los Angeles, her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
jtindahouse Nicolas Winding Refn has a way of making you feel inadequate when you watch his films - but in a good way. What I mean by that is that they're extremely complex and layered and even if you have a theory on a particular element of the film there's often no way to know if you're right. But isn't that great? Cinema that make you think is a thing of beauty. Of the three Refn films I have now seen ('Drive' and 'Only God Forgives' being the other two) I'd have to say 'The Neon Demon' is probably my favourite. Not by a wide margin, but it was certainly the one that I had the most fun watching. I honestly had no idea where the story was going to lead. I was trying to predict how it would pan out as the film went along, and to say I was way off would still be an understatement. The last 30 or so minutes of this film were so far out of left field, and yet so captivating, that I suspect I will remember them for a very long time.Even before that though the film had me hooked for the most part. The thing with Refn is that he creates these intricate and fascinating scenes, and yet you have no idea whether any of it is really important to the outcome or not. You hang on to every word though, both because it's interesting and because you know you may reflect on it in a very interesting way later on. Refn is notorious for his love of gore and violence and 'The Neon Demon' is no exception. It doesn't have perhaps the extreme levels that 'Only God Forgives' does (at least not in terms of what is actually shown), yet what is implied is still pretty horrifying. So there's no doubt this film won't be to everyones liking. Even if gore doesn't bother you I could see a lot of people simply not connecting with this film. Refn will always have a very much love/hate opinion held over his films I suspect. I enjoyed this one though a lot more than I even expected it to (it took me a long time to get around to seeing it because I had a feeling I was going to hate it). My advice would be to give it a chance and even if it's not your thing stick around to the end just to see what all the fuss is about.
oliviacrossley-26338 I hated this movie!!!! It was complete trash and weird. I would not recommend this because it is just disturbing and weird. A lot of people are gonna be like "omg how is this movie disturbing" BUT HAVE YOU SEEN IT!!! That witch girl Ruby literally tries to RAPE Jessie like OMG!!!!! A 30 LADY TRYING TO RAPE A YOUNG 16 YEAR OLD GIRL!!!! That's just disgusting! Then she makes out and tries to have you know what with A DEAD BODY OF A YOUNG GIRL!!! Ruby just imagines that it's Jessie but it's not and because Jessie doesn't like her like that, SHE PRETENDS THE DEAD GIRL IS JESSIE AND TRIES TO HAVE YOU KNOW WHAT WITH IT!! I gagged at it like seriously, who would even do that. Who comes up with this stuff and why would they do it? What person would ever think of having this in a movie? When Ruby pushes Jessie into the pool with no water, she doesn't die, UNTIL THOSE WITCH GIRLS EAT HER LIKE OMG THEY ARE CANNIBALS. Sarah, Gigi and Ruby eat Jessie so they can have natural beauty and get more modelling gigs. Well that does happen.This girl named Amber gets fired and Sarah replaces her. Gigi is also doing to modelling gig with Sarah and their standing in front of a pool. Gigi starts feeling sick and goes to the bathroom and vomits up Jessie's eyeball. Gigi kills herself so she doesn't need to feel sick anymore because she need to get Jessie's body out of her. Sarah then pick up the eyeball and EATS IT LIKE OMG OMG OMG!!! That's the end and I hope I never see this movie again. I'm not gonna watch it so yeah
cpu-4 Most of the time, absolutely NOTHING happens in this flick. And when something finally does happen, it either makes no sense whatsoever and/or is completely ludicrous (not in an amusing way).Although technically well executed, I find the visual style pretentious and tacky and I'd say the same about the soundtrack.It's almost as if the idea was to make a David Lynch flick for millennials: brightly colored, empty, meaningless drivel covered up with a sauce of faux deep symbolism and some "edgy" violence & sex for shock value.The director surely was happy to just make a buck and get away with it all. If you were to compliment him on his work, I think he would find you stupid.
MJB784 It was a colorful, but brutal story of a woman who wants to be a model and stage actress, but is constantly bullied by three women who are jealous of her beauty and wish to be her by any means necessary. I would've liked it more it the final 20 minutes wasn't so nasty. It was a gruesome finale, but it was mostly suspenseful and entertaining.