R | 13 October 1983 (USA)
Possession Trailers

A young woman left her family for an unspecified reason. The husband determines to find out the truth and starts following his wife. At first, he suspects that a man is involved. But gradually, he finds out more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a possessed love affair.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Charles Camp An incredibly bizarre film about the dissolution of a marriage told through the lens of the creature/body horror genre. Lots of lofty, philosophical dialogue as well about religion and human nature, though tonally the film goes for outlandishness and, at times, comedy, rather than feeling stuffy and intellectualized. Most of my enjoyment was derived from the unique genre-mashing, very compelling and somewhat experimental camerawork, and the absolutely unhinged performances. The acting in this film is really quite something. If you've ever seen a film by Andrzej Zulawski, you're aware that he directs his actors in a very atypical way and the result is what most would call "overacting." In this film, the absurdity and sheer intensity of the performances works quite well and leads to some truly arresting moments. However, the "heightened" acting style persists in nearly every scene, even those that may not really call for it. I fully realize that this is the style Zulawski is going for, but to my taste it was occasionally off-putting and took me out of the film. Perhaps just a bit more restraint here and there could've magnified the impact of the most volatile moments. It also felt like the film could've done a bit better at escalating the tension as it progressed. It's at full throttle nearly right out of the gate and manages to sustain that nicely, but it comes off feeling a bit one-note by the end. Again, some restraint could've possibly made the proceedings feel more dynamic. Regardless, it's a very unique and notable film with great performances that's very much worth checking out if you're into this sort of thing.Light 4/5
siderite I can't begin to pretend I understood the film, but that means that, at least for me, the movie failed. It was a roller-coaster of great and stupid scenes, of hysterical acting and amazing acting and a script that mingled together divorce drama and Lovecraftian body horror and zen thinking and symbolism so heavy that I couldn't possibly enjoy it.Keep in mind that this is a performance that brought Adjani a Cannes best actress award, which is totally deserved. Sam Neill isn't far behind with an intensity of expression that makes the viewer feel things. However, what I felt was obnoxious was the heavy symbolism, the "you're not smart enough if you don't get it" type of art that always irritated me. If you are a great artist, express yourself so that people can understand.Bottom line: a weird melange of genres that ultimately felt like a masturbatory work for the writer and director of the film. The acting of the main character and the creature effects, as few as they were, were great. Others, like the gay detectives and the "best friend" where not only bad acting, but poorly made characters. The story was a mess. And it was a two hour long film that felt like a three hour one.
Alpen Dyer Me watching this movie: "Oh no really? what now? omg...MWHAHAHAHAHAHA" This was really a great comedy. Basically the director was like: "You are all seasoned actors. You don't need my direction. Just go with your instinct. Oh you wanna fall to the floor in this scene? Does it make sense? No? Go ahead then. Why don't you remove your shoe and expose your pink sock just because? Lynchian enough? No? Cronenberg then? Just hire some guy to make a weird monster creature that adds nothing to the plot. And... Perfect! Amazing effort everyone! Now brush my teeth with red paint and call me Genghis Khan." After watching this I just wanna say that none of the characters' behaviour influenced me in any way. That this movie cannot and will not break me... Sam watch out for that lady she's craaaazy. Oh no you're crazy too.... Is anyone in this movie sane? No? Omg... Onion rings
gallantentry I have heard that this movie cannot be easily explained or made sense of, and yet I find it one of the easiest of all movies of this horror- genre to understand what the writer/director wanted to convey. The hurt; the rage; the jealousy; the monstrosity; the confusion; the violence of adultery in a graphic and painful movie. Every man believes his wife's adultery is a monstrosity that he believes all others cannot fully comprehend because the pain is often so deep and surreal. He sees his wife's actions as bewildering and confusing; as evil and archaic. The madness of unfaithfulness and the effects on the marriage. I have also read that the suicide of the boy at he end was a desperate attempt to give the audience one last shock, but I believe the writer is telling it's viewers that adultery has a traumatic effect on the children..one that should never be minimized. I don't believe even for a second that this movie was over-dramatized or acted. It was all intentional and deliberate. There is no sense to the victims of adultery, but only madness!