Alice, Sweet Alice
Alice, Sweet Alice
R | 13 November 1976 (USA)
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Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
blumdeluxe I'm certainly not one of the people who are convinced that movies in the past were generally better but "Alice sweet Alice" freezes the spirit of a time you can't imitate nowadays. It revolves around a dead girl at a communion and whether or not her strange sister could be responsible for her murder.What I like most about this film is that it constantly lays out wrong hints and manages to surprise you anytime you think to have the case settled. The characters aren't one-dimensional and interesting enough to carry the plot, that sometimes may be a bit forced.And that is the one point of critique that I have. While some of the action depicted is perfectly plausible, other aspects don't seem to make much sense. Why would the murder want to attempt the murder in the end? There's no obvious connection, let go need for that and it doesn't fit into the line of motivation.Apart from that I had a lot of fun watching this movie. It is not perfect, it is not changing the game but it is certainly above average for me.
gavin6942 After a young girl (Brooke Shields) is brutally murdered during her first communion, her strange and withdrawn older sister (Paula E. Sheppard) becomes the main suspect.There are some odd rumors circulating about this film. Allegedly, Bill Lustig worked as a second-unit director, but there seems very little to confirm that. Also, this was alleged to be an attack on the Catholic Church in response to the director getting excommunicated for his involvement in pornography. These aspects appear to be true, or at least director Alfred Sole claims them to be. Apparently a bishop's house was in the adult film, "Deep Sleep", and this was upsetting. Sole was even indicted on federal obscenity charges.What is absolutely true is that this film is criminally underrated. An amazing plot (not unlike the giallo films of the 60s and 70s), a great mystery, a cool killer with a creepy mask (inspired in part by the raincoat in Nic Roeg's "Don't Look Now" and in part by "The Sad Seed"), and solid direction and acting from top to bottom.Even more interestingly, this film was released in 1976, and is obviously a slasher film. This puts it before "Halloween", after "Black Christmas", and well before the slasher boom of the 1980s. The style and plot elements are very much ahead of its time in that respect.As of 2016, the film is expected to be remade by Dante Tomaselli, who happens to be Alfred Sole's cousin. If nothing else, the new film (if it happens) will shine more light on the original.
StrandedinLaLaLand I present "Alice, Sweet Alice", the underrated, American "in-spirit only" cousin of such Italian scream fests like Dario Argento's "Suspiria", released in 1976 and directed by Alfred Sole ("Pandemonium"). I'm not the first to call this film underrated either. Unlike films, like Halloween and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, both films created in the 1970s, that have been played to "death" (Don't excuse the pun!) on t.v. sets, either around Halloween or just because, "Alice, Sweet Alice" simply is not known as much to the general viewing public, unless the viewers are genuine horror fans. Like "Black Christmas" (which I will review later), it hasn't received it's due. Now mind you, I am a big horror fan, and even I overlooked this film for thirty years (Yes, I started watching horror sooner than most kids and, with care and caution, I've exposed my own children to the greatness of this genre.). I would see promos for televised late-night showings on my local t.v. stations as a kid, or I'd see critics put it on their "best of" lists. Yet, I still never showed interest in watching the actual film. It wasn't Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhies, or Michael Myers ("the Big Three" of "slasher" films).Ignoring this film for so long was a big mistake! Creepy! Creepy! Creepy! I'm being modest in this description. Where do I start? A troubled preteen becomes the prime suspect of her younger sister's murder during the latter's First Communion. We see a young, single mother, Catherine Spages (Linda Miller, daughter of Jackie Gleason, and wife of Jason Miller, Father Karras, of "The Exorcist"), along with her two daughters, 9 year-old Karen and 12 year-old Alice, played respectively by newly introduced Brooke Shields and Paula Sheppard. They are preparing for Karen's First Communion. Through early scenes of sibling rivalry and bullying on the part of Alice, we deduce that Karen is the clear favorite of the two. I wonder if the reasoning for Karen's favoritism is that she was born apparently in wedlock and Alice wasn't. Oh, those crazy Catholics! (Disclaimer: I'm a former member of the Church. No judgment! Just pure snark.) Without giving too much away (That's not my thing!), Karen ends up dead and Alice is suspected of the brutal murder. Through a series of "mishaps" and deaths involving people close to Alice and Catherine, the film gets crazier and creepier with each frame. Did Alice do this? How crazy is she? At what lengths will Catherine go to protect her surviving daughter? Some of the questions are answered and some are left ambiguous, like the ending, which adds to the creep factor.Generally, I love and recommend this film, based on my initial viewing. It's a nail biter, with many twists, turns, and red herrings, that trying to predict how the film would end was impossible as I was shocked gratefully by a big twist that came out of nowhere (unless, I wasn't observant truly). Normally, a major pet peeve of mine is the use of ambiguous endings. No, I don't want a spoon-feeding of an ending; but, sometimes, I need closure after much character and plot investment. Cut me some slack! I want to know how it ends. Maybe, this ending was a sequel hook. Whatever. I don't know. I was in diapers when this film premiered.However, the only thing that threw me off throughout the movie was that Paula Sheppard, Alice's actress, was nineteen and cast as a twelve year-old. Well, guess what? She sounds thirty. Either Alice smokes menthol cigarettes and enjoys three shots of Scotch each day after detention and we didn't know, or perhaps, a younger actress that sounds like a preteen, should've been cast. Nonetheless, voice maturity aside, she did a good job of portraying a rather sinister girl. While creepy boys get more play in horror films, it's good to see a malevolent girl. We can't all be sugar and spice, right? Thus, I highly recommend this film. It scared me and left an unsettling feeling. Of course, I'll watch it again. I will not ignore another late-night promo!
Alexia Verona (idontknowiknowthatidontknow) was it just a coincidence? lucky? what did the ending mean exactly? ambiguous? You can see Brooke shields in her early teens where she is very pretty. this is a fine film from the 70's where films were taunt, thrilling, violent, moody, atmospheric. you remember the movie valentine, where someone with a mask kills people? this is like valentine with a genius IQ. one of the finest films i've ever seen. hitchkokican camera work since the directer was an avid fan of his. acting was a little weak except for Alice. they don't make films like this anymore. it's a shame. why do IMDb require ten lines for a review? it's really annoying because i only have 2 or 3 lines of things to say. then i have to think of things to type. anyway it is a very good movie and if you are a horror fan or thriller fan, you will like it for sure. se la vi.4.5/5