The Shadow Men
The Shadow Men
R | 24 September 1997 (USA)
The Shadow Men Trailers

Happily married couple Bob and Dez Wilson and their 12-year old son Andy are being attacked by a blinding light when driving home from a daytrip. They awaken a couple of hours later, seemingly unscathed but soon driven mad by recurring nightmares. It soon appears that they have been abducted by aliens as proved by their sons handycam that had suddenly started running right after the incident. This mysterious fact is discovered by even more mysterious Men In Black who start nagging the family up to the point of threatening to kill them. Laughed at by the police the threesome seek refuge at sf-writer Stan Mills' house and start fighting back.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
kelleemalia I was an alien both in the studio (the top floor of the production studio was turned into the space ship hallway boiling hot in that rubber suit), and out on location when the car goes into the ditch (freezing cold - ice on my windshield when I left to go home). I also had to be a body double as the son when he ran out of time (kids can only work so many hours). They wrapped me up in a blanket and Eric had to carry me into the house. The last day of filming, I had to wear a wig and a mole to be Dez (SL was off set that night), and ride around in the minivan as it 'drove through the woods.' This was a fun production to be on! I'm glad that the movie has gotten an OK rating!
timmy242 Overall, I was impressed by a number of things. Good casting, pretty good writing, some fine acting from Fenn, Roberts and Stockwell. The lead MIB was well done indeed! Really captures the heart of MIB lore - these folks really did their research (a rarity with these kinds of films, as you know). It's just too bad that this kind of film doesent deserve a larger budget. I give it a solid B!
shempinhollywood Interesting idea, along the lines of the "real" men in black, turns into a conventional potboiler about halfway through. Ok action, some good acting, ultimately stock directing... but a good overall attempt by the filmmakers to personalize the characters and give them some depth... out of character for this type of low budget production. Roberts is pretty good, so is Sherilyn Fenn. The stand out for me? It's got to be cult actor Andrew Prine as the main MIB. Above Average, I give it 7 out of ten.
dprovine There are some things I watch not expecting them to be good, but because I like to think about the ideas and consider alternate storylines and better alternatives for the characters. Most episodes of "Star Trek: Voyager" are only worth watching because of the discussions and reviews on Usenet.If you like rewriting stories, this is a good movie to see with a friend. What should the Wilsons have done differently, given that they were abducted? What would have made a better story? (The answer to both is "Lots of things" 8-), which is why the movie is an interesting starting point.)My major question is why, whenever someone sees a UFO in the movies, that's what they say. They know they sound stupid, and nobody will listen. Why not say "I don't know what it was, but there was a bright light that came up on us from behind, and then disappeared over a hill, and then there was a flash. I thought it was a plane crash, and I know there's an Air Force base nearby, so I reported it. I figured the pilot was just buzzing motorists at night for kicks and lost control."It's completely believable, and if the good guys investigate and find more, then the bad guys will follow them. If the bad guys investigate and come to your house, they'll think you didn't see anything worth mentioning and leave you alone.Aral Vorkosigan, in _Mirror Dance_, said "People give themselves to you, in their talking, and in other ways, if you are quiet and patient and let them, and not in such a damn rush to give yourself to *them* you go bat-blind and deaf." Lots of people in movies, such as Mr Wilson in this one, give themselves away to the enemy. People aren't really that dumb, are they? (_Mirror Dance_ is by Lois McMaster Bujold.)This movie is a bit like "The Phantom Menace" and "Waterworld", in that I left the cinema thinking "What a wasted opportunity." But still, my wife and I were able to have some interesting discussions about the stories, even if defective.