Count Yorga, Vampire
Count Yorga, Vampire
PG-13 | 10 June 1970 (USA)
Count Yorga, Vampire Trailers

Sixties couples Michael and Donna and Paul and Erica become involved with the intense Count Yorga at a Los Angeles séance, the Count having latterly been involved with Erica's just-dead mother. After taking the Count home, Paul and Erica are waylayed, and next day a listless Erica is diagnosed by their doctor as having lost a lot of blood. When she is later found feasting on the family cat the doctor becomes convinced vampirism is at work, and that its focus is Count Yorga and his large isolated house.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Alex da Silva Some friends gather at the mansion of Robert Quarry (Count Yorga) so that they can hold a séance and Donna Anders (Donna) can contact her recently deceased mother Marsha Jordan. Marsha and Quarry had been lovers. What follows is a vampire film with the women predictably the victims/aggressors and the men predictably running around trying to solve things. In the meantime, Quarry is the bad guy with a clichéd side-kick who resembles a monster and has super strength. Good versus evil – can you guess which side wins…..? The film is OK but I find films in this genre quite limited in emotional connection for me. There are a couple of rare exceptions but on the whole, you know what you're going to get. The film does have one memorably scary part that is well done - check out the stuck-in-the-van sequence. We know what is coming, but it's still scary and gets you. This happens on another occasion as well as at the end. This predictability, unfortunately, lets the film down - as well as the comically bad narration, especially at the end. Aside from that, the film is a little dull and just plods along. The bloody images start to appear at the end of the film and there is a pretty grotesque moment with a kitten. Personally, I don't approve of gratuitous gore so these things lose points for me. I want to like these vampire films but they are ultimately boring and predictable. This one scores on the OK-ometer.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Count Yorga, Vampire, 1970. In the sexy 60's, a hip European guy is holding classes in the occult. A pair of sexy girlfriends attract the Count's attention and the jealous boyfriends try to save them from Yorga attentions.*Special Stars- Robert Quarry, Roger Perry, Michael Murphy, Donna Anders, Judy Lang, NARRATOR: George Macready.*Theme- Vampires are deadly as well as sexy to humans.*Trivia/location/goofs- Color. Started as low-budget soft-core porno movie. Count Yorga was supposedly to become an enemy of Vincent Price's character, Dr. Phibes. It was not developed.*Emotion- It's an updated vampire story in modern American with some of the nudity and sex scenes also updated. It's campy and titillating all at the same time. Worth a quick look from viewers.
bayardhiler 1970's "Count Yorga" is one of those movies that some how manages to be both cheesy and yet, spooky at the same time. The film opens with a coffin being unloaded from a ship, onto a truck and I think anyone who's seen these types of movies before knows what that means. From there, we meet Donna, her friends, boyfriend, and the mysterious Count Yorga, who possesses great power and knowledge concerning the occult. Eventually, our characters find out that Yorga is no mere mortal, but instead one of the undead. From there it just gets better and better, as our heroes realize they must destroy Yorga before he turns Donna into the undead. The movie has plenty of cheese in it and as such there are scenes where you can't help but burst out laughing. Yet, the movie has a lot going for it as well, like the capable direction and writing of Bob Kelljan, the certain charm that the overall look of the movie has, despite the low budget, and some creepy and disturbing scenes like the woman who, after being bitten by Yorga, decides that eating her cat is a good way to get some iron. But the thing that really makes the movie so good is Robert Quarry's performance as Count Yorga. His presence is so strong that he is able to rise above what ever flaws there are of the film and portrays Yorga as someone who is charming and intelligent, but underneath is something that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Also, its interesting to see the first vampire movie that was able to successfully update the vampire to a modern setting like Los Angelos. If you love vampires like I do, I highly recommend this movie for your collection. And remember, as the narrator says in the beginning of the movie, "if one is superstitious, even on a small, seemly insignificant level, one must be vulnerable to all superstitions, conceivably even those of vampires".
rdatsun If its one thing I know its vampires. And this film hits all the mark for me, it just a shame it not as well know in the world of horror cinema out there but hey it happens. Still famous or no, It been my pleasure to happen upon Count Yorga and even moreso to see it in its entirety after purchasing it from a Best Buy along with its sequel "Return of Count Yorga".Premise: The film opens with a coffin being transported to Los Angeles with a sinister atmosphere around it. We then go to a séance where a group of people are trying to contact a recently deceased mother of one of their own, Donna, hosted by Yorga himself. He seem normal enough, charming and polite to a fault. However we quickly find out otherwise when he attacks two of the party guests when their car "conveniently" break down outside his manor. From there it only proceed to get worse for the humans as the girl of the couple, Erica, show strange symptoms and bite marks on her neck and the males of the group start to suspect their something not right about Yorga. But can they figure it out before Yorga strikes again? Plot-wise, it very simple and to the point. Like a modern day Dracula, only the characters, good or bad, are much more genre savvy about what going on and what to do. Though that said, when you see the "heroes" of the story you can pretty much predict the outcome for them. Is that a bad thing? Heck no. Its a horror flick after all and that half the fun. This is Yorga's movie anyway and Robert Quary give a great performance as the title vampire. Sly, slick and menacing all at once. This is a guy you just love to root for even if he is the bad guy.And of course every vampire needs victims and the vamps (i.e. woman) here are just as excellent. They have sort of a zombie vibe to them sans the decaying flesh part, yet that makes them more attractive (if your into that sorta thing). What adds a extra point for me is that they wisely give the female vamp just as much screen time as Yorga, so you get to see them in all their undead glory.There is a bit of fanservice (breasts showing, partial nudity) as this was mean as a soft core porno flick. But nothing overly gratuitous (one scene that might rise eyebrows is when Yorga has two vamps um...cuddle). Same goes for gore, there a little of it but it very cheap looking. So nothing those easily offended or too squeamish should raise a fuss over.Overall, the horror is pretty dated and you can tell it was used as a drive-in flick (the trailer even looks as such). But if your a fan of vampire films, this is one you don't want to pass up for your collection. Rest in Peace Robert Quarry (who died in 2009), thanks for entertaining us.