The Return of Count Yorga
The Return of Count Yorga
R | 18 August 1971 (USA)
The Return of Count Yorga Trailers

Count Yorga continues to prey on the local community while living by a nearby orphanage. He also intends to take a new wife, while feeding his bevy of female vampires.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Michael_Elliott The Return of Count Yorga (1971) *** (out of 4)This sequel to COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE finds Count Yorga (Robert Quarry) and his five vampire brides stalking out an orphanage where there are plenty of victims but along the way Yorga decides to try and take a wife.When AIP released COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE they had no idea that it would turn out to be such a huge hit. Obviously with the film making so much money a sequel was bound to follow and THE RETURN OF COUNT YORGA didn't take long to materialize. If you're a fan of the first film then you'll probably also appreciate this sequel, which was made for much more money but in many ways it's more of a remake than anything else.I say that because this here follows a very similar story and in fact the biggest difference is obviously in the budget, which was a lot higher here. The film manages to be quite entertaining on a number of levels even with a story that's less than good. The highlight of course are the vampire brides who I thought looked quite excellent and especially in their slow-walking ways. The slow pacing of them was a major plus and I thought the look of the brides were terrific.The action picks up a lot more during the finale and there are actually some very good attack scenes. The supporting players are nice but it's Quarry who once again steals the picture as Count Yorga. I really loved the way that the actor played the role and I thought he really delivered a fun and menacing character.THE RETURN OF COUNT YORGA certainly isn't a flawless picture but it's a good one that will keep you entertained.
Scott LeBrun Robert Quarry is once again in fine form as Count Yorga, sophisticated Bulgarian vampire. Although dispatched at the end of the first film, he is somehow revived by the mysterious Santa Ana winds, and has soon moved into a castle located near an orphanage. This time, he's motivated not just by hunger but by something resembling love, as he is taken with local beauty Cynthia Nelson (Mariette Hartley). He works his spell on some of the area residents, and is naturally opposed by people like psychiatrist David Baldwin (Roger Perry, another returnee from the first "Count Yorga").This sequel shows its audience a pretty good time, being more of a flat-out horror show, with not as much accent on humor. (Which isn't to say, of course, that there are no laughs at all.) Bob Kelljan does a fine job directing the action, and creates quite a bit of enjoyable suspense, atmosphere, and creepiness. Those vampire babes in Yorgas' castle are sexy as hell, but also quite chilling in their low key way. The body count is respectable, with a fair bit of blood spilling, and Yorga (and others) claiming their share of victims. When Kelljan opts to go for shocks, and show the crazed Yorga pursuing people, unfortunately, it's more amusing than scary.Also among those returning from the original "Count Yorga": producer Michael Macready, whose actor father George has a comedy relief cameo as a doddering vampire expert, actor Edward Walsh as hulking manservant Brudda, and composer Bill Marx, whose music is just right throughout. Kelljan also wrote the script with co-star Yvonne Wilder, who plays the vulnerable deaf-mute Jennifer.The acting is fine from everybody concerned. Perry is more or less reprising his role in the first film, no matter if he's sporting a beard and has a different character name. He still has to convince others that they could possibly be dealing with a bloodsucker. Hartley is wonderfully appealing. Philip Frame, Ms. Wilder, Tom Toner, and Rudy De Luca are all good in support. Michael Pataki has a small role as one of the victims, Walter Brooke also does the cameo thing as Hartley's father, and none other than Craig T. Nelson makes his film debut as one of the cops.All in all, this is a worthy sequel.At one point, Yorga watches the Hammer / A.I.P. co-production "The Vampire Lovers" on TV, where it's redubbed with a Spanish soundtrack.Seven out of 10.
Wizard-8 This sequel to "Count Yorga, Vampire" actually isn't too bad. In fact, in some aspects it's an improvement over the original movie. It's clear throughout that this sequel had more of a budget, and the filmmaking techniques here are more professional. There are also some very good horror moments, many of them filmed in near silence - a technique that proves to be very effective and better than if more noise had been heard. As for Count Yorga himself, once again Robert Quarry gives a good performance that makes this particular vampire figure more believable than some vampires in other films. However, what is odd is that Yorga makes somewhat of a lesser appearance in this film; there are big chunks where he is simply absent. The script has additional problems elsewhere, namely some unanswered questions like how Yorga got resurrected after being killed in the first movie, and how he was able to clean up a massacre sequence in a short time. The biggest problem with the script, however, is that there's not enough story; the movie moves really slowly at times with little to nothing important happening. But fans of the first movie who are patient and able to accept the movie's shortcomings will probably be reasonably satisfied by the end results.(P.S. - I'm not sure why the movie's MPAA rating was changed from PG to R for its DVD release; the movie isn't very bloody or explicit in any other way.)
matt-51 Decided I'd watch this film for the simple reason that my favourite genre of film is horror. There are plenty of classic horror movies but this certainly isn't one of them.It really is quite funny but not because it's meant to be, it's funny because it's cheesey in the extreme and the sight of count Yorga arms outstretched making some funny rasping noise will surely have you rolling in the aisles. It's made all the more funnier because there is no tongue in cheek approach by the actors they seem to be taking their appalling performances really quite seriously. What is my motivation darling? Not sure what their motivation was but if you want one to watch this film then I can only advise that it's a really good laugh.