More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead
More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead
NR | 18 October 2011 (USA)
More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead Trailers

Retrospective documentary about the making of the horror cult classic "The Return of the Living Dead."

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Platypuschow Let it be known I love the Return Of The Living Dead franchise, well 3/5 of them anyway.I rank them up there with Romeros work, they are campy energetic fun zombie flicks.This documentary focuses on the legacy of the first movie and as per this type of film tells the story of its origins, production, special effects and whats happened with it since.Including interviews with all surviving cast members this was a real treat as many of them are very charismatic and delivered fantastic dialogue.Sadly it starts slow, the first quarter of the documentary regarding its financing and opening production is very boring.By the sounds of it the whole thing was a nightmare, full of arguments, dangerous work environment and creative issues.Thankfully the end result turned out to be an iconic great piece of cinema and this is essential viewing for fans of the movie.Kudos to the cast, you delivered in the movie and provided fantastic content here as well.The Good: Interviews are awesome Comedy artwork is a nice touch The Bad: The movies background is alarmingly boring Things I Learnt From This Documentary: Dan O'Bannon sounded like a very questionable human being James Karen needs to be interviewed more, dude is a riot Leslie Nielsen was nearly in Return Of The Living Dead!
bedlam I read the massive 300-page opus "The Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead" just six months ago, so "More Brains!" didn't really offer anything new on the making of the film. But that didn't really matter in the end, because this documentary was so wildly entertaining and well made. So much that time just rolled by, I planned of watching it in 3-4 nights before going to sleep, but as I thought I was on the 30-minute mark, I realized that I had watched it almost for an hour and a half already. The best laughs were offered by James Karen and Brian Peck, especially the latter. I always thought Karen's performance was the main driving force in the original film and he's almost as funny in this documentary. "I slept with everybody to get this part" especially cracked me up.I've seen hundreds of making of documentaries and retrospectives and I can honestly say this is one of the very best. And I haven't even checked out the DVD extras yet, which I believe include documentaries of part II and III.
MrGKB ...but obviously of little interest to anyone other than fans of said film (and its lesser follow-ups) or, at the very least, fans of the late Dan "Alien" O'Bannon, who wrote and directed it. This tidy little doc is essentially a video version of "The Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead," by British fan/co-authors Christian Sellers and Gary Smart (with some help from a fellow responsible for a "Nightmare on Elm Street" retrospective which was released a half year prior). This DVD-only release includes several shorter pieces devoted to the first two sequels of "RotLD," as well as a number of other entertaining features including the last interview with O'Bannon before he died. For fans this is easily a "10"; I only give it a "7" due to its limited appeal.
Woodyanders This nearly two hour documentary on the much beloved 1985 horror comedy cult classic "The Return of the Living Dead" gathers together an assortment of cast and crew members to discuss the various aspects of the making of this movie that include the genesis of the project, the casting, the make-up f/x, two weeks of rehearsal, the wardrobe, the often miserable filming conditions shooting at night with simulated rain, the picture's inspired and ingenious blend of horror and humor, the Tarman zombie (Tarman actor Allan Trautman has fun stories to relate about portraying this iconic undead figure), the punk rock soundtrack, the positive box office and critical success, and its exceptional longevity and enduring popularity throughout the decades. Among those interviewed are writer John Russo, cinematographer Jules Brenner, production designer William Stout, co-producer Graham Henderson, make-up artists William Munns (who got fired early in the production), Tony Gardner, and Kenny Myers, casting director Stanzi Stokes, singer Stacey Q., and cast members Don Calfa, Clu Gulager, James Karen, Thom Matthews, Linnea Quigley, Beverly Randolph, Jewel Shepard, Brian Peck (who also narrates), Miguel Nunez Jr., and John Philbin. Quigley has some great stuff to say about her famous cemetery striptease and the resurrection of her character as a zombie, Gulager reveals that he frequently clashed with writer/director Dan O'Bannon throughout the production, Karen talks about coming up with the idea for his character to kill cremate himself in order to avoid becoming a zombie, and there's a touching tribute to O'Bannon at the very end. Loaded with choice clips and a wealth of nifty behind-the-scenes stills, this is absolutely essential viewing for fans of the film.