Red White & Blue
Red White & Blue
NR | 08 October 2010 (USA)
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A woman attracts the attention of a psychotic former Army interrogator and an emotionally fragile young man caring for his ailing mother.

Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Bodo RED WHITE & BLUE is dark, deep and disturbing. It's difficult to tell much about the story without giving it away since there's lots of twist in this tale of revenge and desire. The plot focuses on how the hypersexual Erica befriends her neighbor, an ex military veteran. Her new relationship gives her hope and security, but her promiscuous past haunts her...The movie is beautifully executed in terms of cinematography and editing. The soundscape is thick and atmospheric, including some chilling and at times deeply moving music. Add to this some great performances and believable characters. This is the epitome of a feel bad movie where people are doing bad things to each other, but they aren't just plain evil so that you can excuse yourself in hating them. Instead, every character lives a messed up life and the atrocities are well motivated... which makes you feel extra depressed.So if that's the emotion you seek in movies, and if you can stand a good deal of violence, then RED WHITE & BLUE is for you.
sarahmillyhannah Slow burning leading up to the point of the film follows a girl named Erica who spends her time never forming lasting relationships but sleeping around and living an existence. She meets a guy called Nate who has a true bonding with her and its not the sexual kind and he spends his time trying to form a relationship with her and look after her. Unfortunately for her a previous conquest comes back to bite her in the ass with terrible consequences for all those concerned. Gritty, grizzly and depressing movie that takes it's time to build up the whole point to the film but about half way into the movie it all clicks into place and you figure out the way it will end. Hard to watch in places but compelling and you want to know the way it will end. Not bad acting at all and to say its a low budget film it was really good. It was by no way a horror in the slasher sense of the word but really had a point to it. Like i say its a good film but it's certainly not hearts and flowers.
Troy_VA The slow as molasses in Antarctica "Red, White and Blue" seemed like a three-hour movie but for some reason still had a lot of missing parts. None of the main characters were appealing in the least and that makes it extremely difficult to garner sympathy for such unfeeling people. Revenge is not always sweet and it's very hard to figure why Carl would go on such a murderous rampage over a girl he barely knew and who stated unequivocally that she wouldn't have sex with him. And why would he take it upon himself to murder(?) innocents like Ed's wife and child? There was way too much jumping around, unasked questions and unresolved threads to make this a must see movie. I give it a 2 for unrealized potential.
mungflesh This film reminded me mostly of Audition and how the mood changes from drama to sinister to disturbing.The film follows the sexual goings-on of a young girl named Erica, who we believe to be troubled in some way or another. She has a friend, Nate, in whom she can confide and who appears to be genuinely concerned for her. A side-plot, about a semi-successful garage-band, runs in parallel from the point they all get in the sack with Erica, on a drunken band team-building exercise. These two plot lines come slamming back together in a big way, just after the middle of the movie.Once this film gets going, it really grabs hold of you and doesn't let go, until after the gut-wrenching climax. The build-up is slow paced but justifiably so, as it needs to bring true depth to the characters, otherwise the latter half of the story wouldn't work. Unlike movies where the good and bad guys are clear cut, this one really blurs the edges, so that we're never quite sure who's in the right and who's not. I'm saying this is a good thing for this movie, because it really makes the viewer question the morality in each scene and find it harder to predict where the movie us is ultimately heading.There's little I would criticise. What it does, it does very well - all credit to the director and cast.I wouldn't categorise this as a horror (unless we count Franki's earrings), it's more of an intense drama/thriller but Red White and Blue is one of the best films I have seen this year and would recommend it to anyone who has the stomach for this sort of thing.