| 16 July 2010 (USA)
Bereavement Trailers

In 1989, six year old Martin Bristoll was kidnapped from his backyard swing in Minersville Pennsylvania. Graham Sutter, a psychotic recluse, kept Martin imprisoned on his derelict pig farm, forcing him to witness and participate in unspeakable horrors. Chosen at random, his victim's screams were drowned out by the rural countryside. For five years, Martin's whereabouts have remained a mystery, until 17 year old Allison Miller comes to live with her Uncle, Jonathan. While exploring her new surroundings, Allison discovers things aren't quite right at the farmhouse down the road. Her curiosity disturbs a hornet's nest of evil and despair that once torn open, can never be closed.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Theo Robertson Whatever happened to Michael Biehn ? After seeing him in THE TERMINATOR and ALIENS you'd bet your life this guy would go on to be as big a name as any of the brat packers from the mid 1980s . For some strange reason he found himself in smaller roles in more and more obscure films . He still remained a prolific actor but only in films no one outside of the production team would have heard of . Add BEREAVEMENT to the list This is a very muddled film and you can see why it was difficult to market . It does a consistent look but the feel of the movie is jarring . It has elements that are very similar to a TVM where a beloved family member goes missing but its scenes of violence are genuinely disturbing and unpleasant as a young boy is forced to watch young women being tortured and murdered by a serial killer . After these scenes we get a rather mawkish and schmaltzy family scene back at the family home . Cut to torture chamber , cut to family home , cut to torture chamber and repeat until the end credits It's difficult to understand who this film will appeal to . Certainly the violence both physical and psychological is enough to alienate people tuning in to see a human story about a mother's obsession to finding her lost son , but hardcore horror fans will quickly become bored by the numerous family scenes . It tells you something that post production on BEREAVEMENT finished in 2007 and yet the film didn't get a release date until three years later
Neil Welch This nutjob kidnaps a small boy to be a kind of mute companion / trainee / witness to his bloody murders. He kidnaps a screamy teenage girl (one of many, this one is particularly screamy, though), but her family (all people who have never seen a horror film before) come to rescue her one by one, and don't notice that the nutjob is creeping up behind them as he despatches them in unpleasant ways (except for Uncle Jonathan who he murders quite nicely with a shotgun). But the nutjob gets killed and the teenage screamy girl escapes, except she doesn't because the small boy knifes her multiple times, the end.This generic mad killer / slasher horror is slightly below average of its type, but gives the impression it thinks it is actually rather good, which it isn't. Michael Biehn and John Savage, a couple of decent actors, are both in it: this doesn't help. Brett Rickaby (of whom it has been said, "Who?") plays the nutjob. He is not very good (this is me being kind about his performance). Alexandra Daddario plays the main protagonist / victim. You will notice her very very blue eyes, her constant ear-splitting screaming and her impressively proportioned and vigorously nippled bosom. And not necessarily in that order.
sol-o_guest The worst movie I've ever seen my god... I don't even know what to say. is awful. If you stumble with this any time please save your two hour of life and see anything else this is a shi* movie... The biggest disappointment for me was see Michael Biehn in this terrible movie. Everybody dies here the main and the minor characters, really I repeat DO NOT see this movie. I don't have anything else to say. Everything is bad with this movie, for me this haven't any screenplay is just guts and blood and you say OK and what is that for? and finally you find the movie is a nonsense since it begins still ends. Nobody can believe the things that happen in here...
rivertam26 I was a big fan of the fllm Malevolence of which this film is a prequel too. Well despite some better production values it doesn't even hold a candle to that film. Filled with an unnecessary amount of violence overkill we learn the roots of how the killer in the first one came to be. The other actors/victims in the film are decently developed and are surprisingly solid for a genre film. The direction and screenplay are the problem film. Besides looking gorgeous the film doesn't any real gratification the killers story is somewhat developed but the real truth is never explored. The film is kept as realistic as possible and is very mean. Building characters only to tear them down brutally for no real reason. the evolution of the events aren't very satisfying and the over abundance of shameless gore and pointless nudity feels crude. The best thing I can say about the whole downer experience is that it's well made and looks pretty besides that there's not much to offer here that you haven't seen before and explored more in depth and less bitingly.