R | 18 March 2011 (USA)
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Fiona Wagner, a journalism student, tracks a cold-blooded killer with the help of her detective father and a therapist.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Micransix Crappy film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
torstensonjohn This film takes you on a ride that keeps you vested throughout. Although the acting is sub-par at best the plot is well enough to round out the film. Definitely not one of Kevin Pollacks films. A suspense filled terror ride that shows the audience a riveting sense of what lies ahead.What makes the human psyche tick, what defines us as what we are? Choice in it's own wording is something we do on a daily basis. If you had to choose between someone's life and your own, what would you do.I would recommend this film and if you choose to watch it it will be a solid investment.
Tss5078 Choose is an ambitious horror movie, featuring a psychopath who makes their victims choose their fates, stating that every choice has a consequence. The story is a seemingly good one and the key to finding this person is finding the pattern, a good old fashion detective story. It's a very solid story too, in the beginning they actually pretend you have a brain, and let you try and figure some things out for yourself. Initially, I was fascinated with this film, but somewhere along the way they figured that we wouldn't get it and they started dumbing it down for us, leading to an ending that just destroys the film. I absolutely hate it, when I sit through and enjoy a movie, only to have it ruined at the end by some ridiculous, sensationalized, Hollywood ending that doesn't make any sense! The story was strong, the cast was great, and I was really into this thing, but like our economy, things just started getting worse and worse, leading up to an ending that was completely idiotic. It's not a bad movie, in fact it starts out as a great movie, but if you decide to give it a try, I'm warning you ahead of time, you won't like how it ends!
sddavis63 It isn't bad, but in all honesty it isn't especially good either. One of the main problems is that it gets progressively weaker as it moves along, rather than building to a strong finish. It's actually quite good in the beginning, as right from the start we're treated to a horrific crime and find ourselves wondering who in the world would do this and why? The basic plot is that some psychotic is on the loose and forcing people to make horrific choices. So in the opening scene, the madman invades a home and forces a teenager to choose whether her mother or her father will die. A pianist has to choose between his hearing or his fingers; a model between her eyesight and her beauty. Thus, the title.Through it all, the madman is playing with Fiona's mind. Fiona (played by Katheryn Winnick) is an aspiring journalist and daughter of the local sheriff (Kevin Pollak.) Years before her mother died in what was believed to have been a suicide, but Fiona starts to see a connection with the psychotic on the loose and starts working with her dad to figure out who he is.The movie's pretty short at well under an hour and a half, so a lot seems to be left undeveloped; it moves pretty quickly and too much is revealed way too soon. By half way through we pretty much know the story and so there's no real mystery involved. There's a fair number of "turn your head away" scenes if you're at all squeamish. The closing scene was weak and to be honest seemed strangely disconnected from the basic story of the movie, so that I wasn't sure about the need to include it, other than to reintroduce (for no particularly good reason) a creepy character who's had a brief scene earlier in the movie. I wouldn't call this particularly noteworthy. (4/10)
RickHarvey Yawn. Acting is poor, characters are one dimensional. Story is rubbish. Lots of cheep thrills and a glut of cliché unimaginative frights. No pointing rambling on about how bad the film is. Juxaposed with Saw, it does resemble the film in terms of it using a similar plot device. Everything in the film is unprovoked. The writing is poor. Everything is poor. If i had to pluck out one positive, heck, one mixed response, it would be that the main actress is nice too look at. I would choose not to watch.Bad film. Very Bad film. If like me, you check the rating before viewing and you have no choice but to watch it, then thank your stars that it only rolls for 83 minutes
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